Month: March 2019

Celebrating the Recession Of Mental Illnesses

Celebrating the Recession Of Mental Illnesses

You see, I realized that finally, my mental illnesses are mostly under control. I haven’t been able to say that in at least five years. It has been five years of working with doctors, pumping my body full of supplements and trying different medication combos. Previously once I reached this stage and maintained it for a while I’ve been able to go off my medication. Whether or not that will be possible this time or not is yet to be seen. For now, I’m happy with finally being in a place where I can be happy. I can handle life and LIVE, not just try and survive day to day. Read more. . .

The Problem With Pedestals: They Fall Down

The Problem With Pedestals: They Fall Down

As we come to the knowledge that someone we look up to, has fallen off their pedestal, I think it’s important to take a moment to spend time with our children and teach them about how people are just people. We don’t belong on pedestals. We crave perfection and want to believe that a magical fairy tale is possible. But the problem with pedestals is that they are tipsy things. They are easily tipped over and mere mortals don’t belong on them. We are too clumsy. Read more. . .

On The Other Side Of The Door

On The Other Side Of The Door

“Autism rages loud, all-consuming, battering at your spirit just as you batter at my door. But it batters at mine too, trying to pull us down into the abyss of this meltdown. An Autism meltdown for you, a questioning of my Motherhood meltdown for me. Am I doing this right? Do I have the skills for this? Can I really do this?”

My 40th Year

My 40th Year

Overall though, for me personally, my 40th year has been one of the best years I have seen yet. Read more. . .

True Confessions- I Hate Routines: Mom Fail

True Confessions- I Hate Routines: Mom Fail

“I have a child with Autism who needs routines to keep him calm and regulated. Recently, I started back to school. It requires me to be very deliberate in everything I do to make sure I’m accomplishing everything.
But I HATE routines!!!”

Librarians- Changing The World One Book At A Time

Librarians- Changing The World One Book At A Time

We all know the caricature of our childhood Librarians. A stern bespectacled maiden old lady who looks warningly over the top of her glasses “sh”ing you every time you made the slightest noise.
These were what the librarians of my childhood. Read more. . .

Friends Wanted: Why Are You My Friend?

Friends Wanted: Why Are You My Friend?

“Often, we hear feel-good stories about helping special needs people. You know the ones. Ones, where the Boy takes the Girl with Down-Syndrome to the Prom. Not because he’s interested in her, but so she can be included. Everyone should be included. But it sometimes seems that there is a small spark of disingenuousness in this action. In the disability community, there is a term for these stories. It’s “Inspirational Porn.””

Adrenaline? I Faced Down A Moose, What Did You Do?

Adrenaline? I Faced Down A Moose, What Did You Do?

I may not jump out of airplanes or repel off cliffs. But my life is filled with adrenaline packed moments and I don’t see that ending anytime soon. So I’ll take my facing down Moose and Bears and leave the skydiving to my Husband.
Read more. . .