Adrenaline? I Faced Down A Moose, What Did You Do?




I’m your everyday “Ordinary Mom”-thus the title of my blog. I have no compulsive need to seek out adrenaline-charged experiences.

My husband, on the other hand, seeks them out as a paratrooper with the Army and as a Law Enforcement Officer. He loves jumping out of airplanes, helicopters and anything else that gets his adrenaline pumping.

(I personally see no reason for exiting a perfectly good airplane while it is in flight.)

While on some level you could say these differences are due to our differing personalities, which is true. But that isn’t the whole story.

You see as a Mom, my kids provide me with plenty of heart-pounding, adrenaline-pumping experiences in our everyday lives.

Like when my son made his debut into the world, I only stole a brief glance before they rushed him away to work on him. All I saw was the birthmark on his forehead. I didn’t know what was wrong or if he would be all right. All they would really tell me was that his Apgar scores were low. Whatever that meant. I wouldn’t see him or hold him for 6 more hours as they worked and monitored him.

Or there was the time when he was 2 1/2 and contracted RSV for the third and worst time. His oxygen levels dipping dangerously low, necessitating a week in the hospital.

The time when he was playing in the family room and fell and hit his head on the marble fireplace hearth. Blood spurting out his head with each pump of his heart.

The time I faced off with a Mama Moose on a playground to stop her from impaling my son. Or there was the time the Mama Bear with her twins chased after my kids and me at the park.

All those false alarms with doctors worrying about heart murmurs, mono, and unfamiliar diseases. Or all those not so false alarms with Autism, Asthma, a Cecostomy . . .

Or the summer my daughter was entranced with climbing up on everything and particularly loved climbing into our nice deep windowsills. Despite repeatedly telling her not to and pulling her down, I watched helplessly in horror as she fell out of the window and landed on concrete 10 ft below. To my dying day, I will remember that scene as I desperately tried to stop it unfolding.

I may not jump out of airplanes or repel off cliffs like my Husband. I may not seek out thrilling adventures. But my life is filled with heart pumping, adrenaline packed moments. I don’t see these experiences ending anytime soon. So I’ll take facing down Moose and Bears and leave the skydiving to my Husband.

6 thoughts on “Adrenaline? I Faced Down A Moose, What Did You Do?

  1. As the mom of 4 boys and one girl I get it! Mine are grown now but one son in particular challenged me constantly. He went to the E R 14 times when he was a child!

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