Month: May 2017

The Elephant In My Life

There is a difference between being anxious and worried about something and suffering from anxiety attacks. Anxiety attacks can come on with seemingly no warning. Let me rephrase that. There usually are warnings but I’m usually too busy living my life and ignoring them. (Not recommended.) Except for my migraines. Those are hard to miss. But they are my last warning that some major anxiety attacks are on their way.

A Reason I Advocate and Raise Awareness

While going through security in the Dublin Ireland airport there was a man checking passports and boarding passes who was in a wheelchair. What totally took me by surprise and made me so furious I couldn’t even speak was the couple ahead of me in line. When they got to the man in the wheelchair they both tried to go to the other agent rather than this man.

My Grandpa Died Today…

While funerals are about the person who has died, they are for the people left behind. They provide closure. They need closure. I understand not wanting people to go on and on for hours about you. I probably wouldn’t want that either. But have a small graveside service or a small gathering of family and friends to reminisce. Give them a chance to say goodbye. Give them the time to hold you lovingly in their memories and be able to gently let you go.

A Rainbow of Promise

We enjoyed a nice bouncy ride towards the cliffs. Suddenly, the sun came out, and a big beautiful rainbow appeared. As long as I live I don’t think I will ever forget that rainbow. It was as if God was saying to me, “Life can be really hard, awful and crappy, but life can also have truly magical moments like this rainbow and that’s what you need to hold on for.”

What I Have Learned in 7 Years of IEP Meetings and Advocacy

Know that if you do not agree with any part of the plan or findings- A) You do not and should not sign anything. If you do, you should write attendance only after your name. B) You have other options. You have 15 days after the meeting to write a letter to the Principal stating that you do not agree with the findings and are requesting an Independent Education Evaluation (IEE) and the school district is required to pay for it. You are not required to use their suggested doctor’s, therapists or educational testers either. C) Can’t agree on a plan? Table it. State that you would like to end this meeting and come back at another time when all parties have had time to think further about it.