Month: April 2018

Healing Is What Happens When Music Plays

Healing Is What Happens When Music Plays

I had been wanting to see The Greatest Showman since I first started hearing about it. It’s a musical, it has Hugh Jackman, and I’d heard great reviews. What more could you ask for? I finally got to see it and it did not disappoint. It was so good I went back to take my daughter to see it.

But I want to talk for a minute about the circumstances surrounding my getting a chance to see it. The day before had been complete hell and I won’t go into all the details but I was literally at the end of my rope. I knew if I didn’t reach out and ask for some help, I was going to crash magnificently.
I reached out and asked someone to take my kids for just an hour the next day. I just needed to be able to walk away for an hour. Leave my responsibilities and breathe. Prior to dropping off my kids, I was shaking and the anxiety started to escalate, both from dealing with what had happened the day before and an episode with one of my children right before we left. Instead of one hour, my friend gave me three.
One of the first thoughts that entered my head when I left her home was that I should see if I could make a showing of The Greatest Showman. I raced to the theatre and sat down just a few minutes after it started.
For the first half hour, I was gripping my phone case as I was filled with dread that she would call and need me to pick up my kids. After that, I gradually started to relax. But what was relaxing me wasn’t the fact that I had left my cares behind for a couple hours, though that certainly helped. It was the music.
Music has a literal power that is real. Studies have been conducted and music has been found to aid in the growth of plants, help people study, provide not just comfort but decrease pain. Think about it. How many times has a song lifted you up and made you feel like you can get through things? This is one of many reasons why people work out to music, it helps them push that much further. How many times in your life is music tied to a memory or event and made it more meaningful? It’s no accident that the important parts of a film are often filled with music.
I sat there in that darkened theatre watching a movie that had about as much fiction as fact, but the music was moving me. It was the music that was healing my soul. It was the music that was making me stop, breathe, relax and remember who I am.
I am a creator, a musician, a writer. The Arts feed my soul and without them, it starves. I know this and yet I forget to feed this part of me.
Even if you aren’t a musician or lover of the Arts, they can still heal you, and bring peace to your soul. I think perhaps that is why most religions also have a canon of music that accompanies their worship. Words combined with music transcends what words alone can do. It reaches places within us that are hidden, internal, the place where our soul lives. The place that is the “real” us.
If you haven’t seen The Greatest Showman yet, I highly recommend it. But more than that, take the time to feed your soul. Turn up the music.

*This post contains affiliate links from which I may be compensated for.

Friday Memes

Brought to you by the children of “An Ordinary Mom”.

New Winner!

The last winner of the book Unbound by Jamie Summer lived outside the U.S. do another winner had to be chosen.
Savannah Wall! If you live in the U.S. send me your mailing address at for your free copy of the book Unbound!

*This post contains an affiliate link from which I may receive compensation from if you click it.
The State of Long-Term Medical Care For Children in the U.S.

The State of Long-Term Medical Care For Children in the U.S.

“Where does that leave parents? Where does that leave vulnerable children? This needs to be part of the discussions being had about Medicaid. This needs to be part of the discussions that we as American’s have about helping our neighbors when they can’t do it alone. It shouldn’t be this hard to help a child. Especially when all the research shows that early intervention is the most successful.”

And The Winner Is…

If you have followed my blog you have been in the running to win a copy of the book Unbound: Finding Freedom From Unrealistic Expectations Of Motherhood by Jamie Summer. It’s one of my new favorite books, and even if you didn’t win this free copy I highly encourage you to read it. Mother’s Day is coming up and it would make a great gift! (hint, hint)
Drum roll, please! The winner is!
Chava Hosseinof email me your address ( and I will mail you out your copy of Unbound!
To the rest of you who follow and didn’t win, thank you for reading and following my blog. I really appreciate it.


*This post contains an affiliate link which I may receive compensation for if you click on it.

The Best Job In The World

I recently contemplated going back to work after a break of 10 years and have sent out a few resumes. Someone who was helping me with my search recently asked, “What would your perfect job be?” That stumped me for a minute. What was my perfect job? And then it hit me. I’ve had my perfect job for the last 11 years. I just never realized it.
All my life I’ve wanted to be a Mom. I have two kids and would have liked a few more but that wasn’t the cards I was dealt. I’ve been extremely blessed that most of the time since my children were born I’ve been able to be a stay-at-home Mom.
But my Motherhood has not come easy, or without lots of trials as Motherhood often does. There have been times when we’ve had to make life-changing decisions about one of our children. My husband has deployed to Iraq and has spent a lot of our married life apart from us due to the military or other work. There are all the sleepless nights (and I like my sleep!), endless messes, endless headaches, never a private moment once your first child leaves your womb. That is what Motherhood is.
But Motherhood is also those sweet tender moments cuddling that sweet babe. Kissing those kissable cheeks. Watching them as they experience the wonder of the world is magical. Watching them become more and more independent as the years go on makes you simultaneously want to celebrate their accomplishments and their needing you less, and make you want to cry.
The job I have had for the last 11 years has been the hardest job I’ve ever held. But I wouldn’t trade it for anything. My kids are my world.
It’s time to start a new chapter in my life, likely it still won’t be working outside the home due to the issues we experience with our son and autism. But it’s time to shift focus a little. I will forever be grateful that I have had this opportunity to be just, “An Ordinary Mom”.

Before you leave check out the book review of the book Unbound and check out a chance to receive a free copy.

*This post contains affiliate links from which I may receive compensation.