A New School Low That Became a New High

School started for my kids a couple weeks ago. Both my kids are at the same school this year which is great, as I’m taking them to school from the hotel we are living in until we can get into a house. Other than being habitually late- (the line to drop your kids at school is literally a couple miles long), things went well last week.

Then came Monday morning. . .

I don’t know anyone who likes Mondays. Our son was extremely tired and was slow getting ready, but that’s nothing new. We made it through miles of cars, and he refused to get out of the van.

I tried reminding him of his chances to earn rewards. I tried cajoling, threatening him, nothing was working. It ended with me pulling him out of the car.

He promptly laid down on the asphalt in the middle of the school parking lot and refused to move.

A boy hiding his face

Again, I tried to talk, wheedle, promise, anything to try and get him to get up. My Husband happened to call during this, so he even talked to him.


I sat down on the nearby sidewalk to wait.

Another special needs Mom stopped as she drove by, and made sure I knew that I was seen. She offered to get me coffee or anything else I might need while I waited on my child. I really appreciated it.

The school safety officer, which in this case is a police officer from the town police force, pulled up. The school officials came out. He was unmoved by the appearance of any of them.

I, on the other hand was greatly moved by the manner in which my child was treated.

He was treated with kindness, compassion, and matter of factly.

I saw nothing but the best professional handling of this type of situation I have ever seen. Thank you Hernando Police Department and the Hernando Middle School Staff.

The school nurse brought out a wheelchair, the safety officer from the High School joined us. The two safety officers lifted him up and into the wheelchair and he was wheeled right into the school, nothing more from me was needed. They had it under control.

As parent of a child who can have extreme behavior, and extreme stubbornness (he comes by that rightfully), this was something beautiful to behold. We always worry when we are moving somewhere new, will there be the resources that we need? Will they be kind? Can our family survive in the new area?

This experience, though one of the worst school mornings we have had, became one of the best mornings due to the kindness and professionalism that was shown.

3 thoughts on “A New School Low That Became a New High

  1. Awee….that just warmed my heart. Sorry it was so rough; but so thankful that you got to see the good side of a bad situation.

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