Evil Stepmother Wanted: Make Me Clean My Bathrooms

Evil Step Mother Wanted.png
If there is one part of my life I really hate, it has nothing to do with motherhood or being a wife, a job or etc., it’s cleaning a bathroom.
I despise it, I hate it, I loathe it.
There I said it.
I suspect that my loathing started when I was a young girl and my parents ran a small motel. Only 12 rooms, but I grew up cleaning those 12 bathrooms and then the one in our house as well. Cleaning a motel bathroom is a little different than cleaning your own unless you have OCD. Those bathrooms have to look pristine. Not only do they have to be clean, but they have to sparkle. No watermarks on any of the water fixtures, no stray hair, towels and toilet paper have to be folded just so, no streaks on the mirror. I think perhaps that that perfection screams at me when I clean my own and is probably one of the reasons I fight cleaning them so much.
When I was young I used to imagine that I was Cinderella and my awful Step-Mother was demanding that I clean the bathrooms. Somehow that helped and I didn’t mind it as much, probably because I was living out a fantasy in my head which I’ve always loved to do.
I no longer live at home where I imagine that my Mother, is the evil Step-Mother who is making me clean bathrooms. I need to find a Cinderella story as an adult that will make cleaning the bathroom less of an ordeal. Can you be my evil Step-Mother?
Every time we move into a new house the number of bathrooms is something that can make or break whether we can move into that house. Due to my son’s medical issues and his need to spend an hour in the bathroom every night, we always have to have a minimum 2 bathrooms. Which means I always look for housing with 2 bathrooms. Somehow though, we always end up in a place with three bathrooms. I just want to run and hide from bathrooms. They don’t all need to be clean right?
I’ve seen lots of polls lately as to what you would rather have, a nanny, a maid, personal chef, personal shopper, etc. Every single time I say a maid. If I didn’t have to clean bathrooms my attitude about life would be so much better.
I’m working on teaching my kids to clean the bathrooms and do a good job at it. This is a work in progress. My daughter did a fairly decent job on one yesterday, but her mopping skills left something to be desired when she didn’t move anything on the floor when she mopped. Mopping the floor will have to go back on her list today which will make me “The Evil Stepmother” figure in her life. Ah, the circle of life…
What is your go-to to get you to clean the most disgusting place in the house? Suggestions for me to make it more palatable?
Click this link for a Video Link to this post.

6 thoughts on “Evil Stepmother Wanted: Make Me Clean My Bathrooms

  1. Your Evil Stepmother image is so funny! I couldn’t imagine cleaning 12 bathrooms! Ugh!! I think the hardest part would be cleaning someone else’s bathroom. When the mess is your own, or your family’s, it makes it a little easier, I think. My least favorite thing to clean is the floors. Maybe because our whole house is hardwood floors and it takes forever! I don’t mind the bathrooms because I like a clean bathroom. I have girls though so I’m sure that helps. Thank you for sharing with us at the Live Life Well Link Up.

  2. Oh my goodness! I HATE cleaning bathrooms as well!!!! It is so gross! Especially with 3 males in the house. I mean that is a really big hole, how do they miss? LOL. It is on my to-do list today, uggg!!!
    Loved the video! So funny!
    Thanks for linking up with #LiveLifeWell!

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