First Flights Out Of the Nest

This summer has been one of letting go for me as a Mom.

For the first time this year, we arranged for our son to go to two, week-long summer camps. These camps are specially designed and staffed for kids with Special Needs. The first was at Camp Beausite NW, the second, Camp Stand By Me is produced by Easter Seals.

Bunk House at Camp Beausite NW. Photo courtesy of their website.

I have always kept my children close. We don’t do sleepovers generally unless there are special circumstances. My first reason being, that I don’t want to deal with exhausted kids the next day, and you just don’t know what happens in other people’s homes. So as a general rule, regardless of who it is, my kids have never done sleepovers or sleep away camps.

Then this year hit. It has been a year that will probably live forever in our family history.

I realized that in order for me to survive the summer, sleep away camp had to be not only an option but a necessity. I had to let go. I had to trust that I had taught my son enough that he could at least survive if not thrive on his own at camp.

When I picked him up after his first camp, the camp counselors said whether he comes next year or not isn’t even a discussion, he’s coming back next year. They loved having him and he LOVED being there. It was such a relief! My daughter and I were able to take a much-needed break to breathe, have fun and bond while he was gone. (My husband happened to be gone that week as well.)


My daughter also spread her wings this summer as she left to go to Grandma’s for a week. It wasn’t only a matter of letting her go, but pushing her out of the nest. She really wanted to go, but she had never flown on an airplane by herself and she was VERY nervous about flying alone. I knew she could handle it and that once she had done it she would be a pro. She totally rocked it and loved spending time with lots of our family, shopping without Mom being there to weigh in on her clothing choices, swimming, horseback riding and so much more. She came home with newfound confidence in herself.

This week find’s our son back at summer camp. His camp counselor happens to be from Nottingham England with Sherwood Forrest in her backyard. He has so much to talk to her about and so many questions knowing this about her. I expect some fun to be had and him to become an expert archer by the time he gets home.

Summer camp and trips to spend time with family are now firmly in my box of tools to deal with summers. Who wants my daughter for next summer? She’s available!šŸ˜‰

16 thoughts on “First Flights Out Of the Nest

  1. Ooh I think I would struggle to let go for that long, but how wonderful that he enjoyed it so much. Well done to you and him, and to your daughter too. That’s very brave! Thanks for sharing with us at #TriumphantTales, we’d love to see you back again next week.

    1. It has been a process. it hasnā€™t been easy to let go and let them, but itā€™s all part of them growing up. Where my little babies went, I donā€™t know.

  2. How amazing that everyone got to do something special and spread their wings a bit. That must be a confidence builder and also give them something to talk about now that summer is coming to an end. #GlobalBlogging

    1. It really was a blessing to get that one on one time with my daughter. I think both of us really appreciated it. Thanks for stopping by and reading.

  3. Wooooo Hooooooo!!!!! How exciting …you had “Me” time! The camp survived; the son survived and your daughter grew!! Who knew?!!?!?!? So happy for you and your family. *note to self…find a camp for next summer šŸ˜‰

    1. It has been a life saver! This week Camp isnā€™t going quite as smoothly as he says he is really homesick. BUT. . . I was able to talk him into staying for the last day and the camp hasnā€™t called to tell me to pick him up despite his screaming at them. So I call that a win!

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