Humorous Moments From Childhood-

Ever wonder where my Friday Memes come from?I’m mining my Facebook memories.

Remembering and celebrating the laugh out loud times. Apparently, in 2012 it was my daughter who was the funniest. Though there are a few gems from my son.

-My son to the receptionist at the Doctor’s office, “You have candy cane breath!”
She replied, “Well, that’s much better than bad breath!”

-I took my daughter shopping with me for Christmas presents. She was upset because we weren’t getting any for her. I explained that her brother would be shopping for a present for her.

“Mom, he can’t! He doesn’t know what I like!”

“You knew he likes pirates.””Yes, but he would never know I like princesses!”

-I asked my daughter what she wanted for her birthday.
Her reply, “I want Daddy to take me out on a date and wear his church clothes.”

-My daughter’s prayer one night. (We lived in Alaska at the time.) “Please make it not get dark, and please put the snow away.”

-My daughter who was struggling to get a word in edgewise with her brother’s talking got the kitchen timer, set it and told him that when it went off, he had to stop talking to Mom.

-Another of my daughter’s prayers-
“Please bless “D” and I that we will attack each other.”

-My daughter was furious with me for waking her up in the middle of the night- It was 8 am… The joys of living in Alaska.

– My son informed me that his name when he grows up will be “Pirate Red Boots.”

-My daughter, “Mom, I know what you are eating! You’re eating M&M’S!”
“No comment.”
“You’re eating condiments?”

-“Scumbling” a word made up by my daughter. The definition? It’s when your brother tries with all his bodily strength to keep you from tattling on him.

-My daughter, “Mommy, when I get big you are going to have to go into the city and find someone for me to marry.”
“I’d be happy to sweetheart!”
Big smile.

-My daughter attempted to say something in Spanish. She then said, “See Mommy, I’m learning the other English.”

-My daughter said a boy in her church class was her boyfriend. I asked her what she liked about him. Her reply- “His Mom has nice shoes and nice bracelets.”

-My daughter was trying to get me to buy her glasses like her brother.
“Sweetie, you don’t need glasses, you have eagle eyes.”
“No, I don’t! I have dreamy eyes!”

-My husband and son playing Legos. “Why does Harry Potter have a blaster “D”?”
“Because he left his wand at the doctor’s office.”

-While in the garden my daughter picked a bunch of dandelions. I saw her pulling the petals off and as she did so she would say, “He loves me. He loves me. He loves me.” This girl doesn’t take chances on love.

-We were walking out of a pharmacy and a young man was standing out there smoking. Before I could stop him, my son went right up to him and said, “You need to not let me smell your smoke. ‘Cause that’s not good!”
The young man’s expression was priceless.

-My daughter describing the “Swifter”.
“It’s not a mop floor cleaning thing. It’s a get the floor wet and slide thing.”

-If I don’t park the car in the garage just right it can be hard to get out of the doors. “D” was struggling to get out and “R” started singing in a high operatic voice an opera of her own making, ” You are too fat to get out of the car. You must lose weight.” He was not fat. . .
-My daughter wakes up, the first thing she says, “Is there more of that pointy green stuff (asparagus) to eat?” x
-A new song for my daughter’s Top 10 album- “Getting into things is so much fun!”

-My daughter was yelling at me and I told her to talk nice. Her reply, “It’s not working.”

-When your kids are arguing over how to pronounce the word “thief”. Yet one can’t say her “th” sounds and the other can’t say his “f” sound…

Merry Christmas from our family to yours! May your memories be just as sweet!

14 thoughts on “Humorous Moments From Childhood-

  1. Kids say the funniest things! Ben has really started with his sentences so no doubt soon he’ll be coming out with crackers! Thank you for sharing this with us at #TriumphantTales. I hope to see you back next week!

  2. funny moments you captured. I wish I could capture everything funny my children say too but I try to remember them and put them down in a journal so that when they become adults they can have it a reflect on their childhood and the crazy things they said and did. Thanks for sharing these!

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