Humorous Moments From Childhood- Starring "R" and "D"

As a parent, there are moments where you aren’t sure your child is going to make it to the next day because you are so frustrated with them. At times like those, it’s important to remember the good things, the laugh out loud times, the priceless memories. In memory of those times, here are some quotes from my kids from ages 3-5.
– While saying prayers my daughter was repeating everything I said. When I said, “Help us to be good.” She changed it to, “Help Mommy be good.”
-My kids dumped out an entire box of cookies. I was upset about the wasted food and said, “Pick up those darn cookies!” For the rest of the day my son could be heard saying, “Darn Cookies!” every few minutes.
-My son- “The TV thinks my glasses are dirty.”
-My daughter- “Is this Santa’s church?” This coming after attending the church Christmas party.
-My daughter and her friends were changing their names and the people around them. All of her friends said that their Dad’s names were now Handsome. My daughter said, “My Dad’s name is Chicken Noodle.”
-My son- This hole, neck thing is crap! It won’t let my head in! (He was trying to put his head through the neck hole in his shirt.
-My son asked his father where he had gotten the chocolate he was eating. My husband replied, “From the Chocolate Fairies.” Wide-eyed, my son replied, “Where is that? I haven’t been there!”
– While driving with my daughter in the car, my daughter suddenly asked, “Mom do you remember what I told Daddy last night?”
She replied in a very grown-up voice as if she was telling some deep dark secret, “I told him everything!”
-Daughter- “Dad and I go downstairs when we’re grumpy. It’s the place to go.”
-Frustrated with my daughter as she had pulled all her little chairs into the kitchen while I was trying to cook. I told her to take them back out. She replies, “Yes your Majesty”.
– My daughter in an attempt to not have to go to bed came into my room and said, “Mommy, my head fell off and it hurt.”
-While reading illustrated scripture stories with my children one night, my daughter said, “Mom! Don’t turn the page! I want to see the bad guys!”
“Don’t you mean the good guys?”
“Nope. I want the bad guys.”
-My daughter has always loved to sing. If she had an album, some of her song titles would be, “I want to live with Uncle Johnny when I die”, “Heavenly Father loves you, he really does, and so do I”, and “I love Cyrus.”
-My son came crying to me. I asked if he had hurt his leg. He replied, “No, I hurt my mountain.” He was referring to his buttocks.
-My son- “I just bit my tongue from my bless you!” (His sneeze).
-My daughter while saying the blessing on the food added in at the last minute, “And bless us to have cookies.”
– My daughter- “Jesus goes to work every day in outer space.”

0 thoughts on “Humorous Moments From Childhood- Starring "R" and "D"

  1. Ah this is so lovely to read, and I think that at the end of a very long and tiring day these sentences and saying make such a big difference. Keep reading this post if you’ve had a stressful day. Thanks so much for linking up at #fortheloveofBLOG. Claire x

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