It Doesn’t Take Much to Minister To Others

Somewhere living in New York there is a Jewish woman who is the best example of ministering to others I have ever known. I’ve never met her yet she ministers to me daily. She is my model of how I should be serving others.

How do I know her?

She lives in my Facebook feeds and in my Facebook Messenger. She watches out for me and countless others. She knows some of the biggest struggles of my soul. She encourages me daily. How does she do this?

Almost daily I find just a quick note or a GIF telling me good morning, or that she loves me. Just popping in to brighten my day. Other days she commenting on my posts on Facebook sharing her love, or calling me to make sure I’m okay. She remembers things that I have going on and asks about them.

She has been my sounding board when I’m about to lose all sense of . . . Well everything. She pulls me back up when I’m sinking low. And I have seen her do this for women around the world who cross her path..

I know that I am just one in a long list, but she makes me feel like I am one of the most important people as she does with everyone.

I have seen her over and over be a person of actionand donate to people who have been flooded, homes burned down, or generally struggling. When the federal government shut down for a month and my husband wasn’t getting paid, she made sure to ask if we were okay financially. Last month when our town was hit by two tornados she donated to the Red Cross for our town.

She takes time. She cares. She serves. She is there.

Politically, we don’t always agree. Religiously, she’s a follower of Moses and I’m a follower of Jesus. She is from a different generation than I am. There is SO much that if we listened to the world, we wouldn’t get along.

Instead, she is showing me how to be a better friend, sister, and follower of Christ through ministering to others no matter who they are and what they believe. The only way I can even begin to repay her kindness to me is to take note of her methods and do what I can to reach out to others and lift them up to help them make it through another day.

Be someone’s Lisa today. Reach out! Check in on someone today!

Do you have a friend who has been on your mind lately? Drop them a note, pick up the phone, take them a small treat. Let them know that somewhere in this big world is someone who cares about them and thinks they are important. It can be just 2 small minutes out of your day. But you’ll end up blessing that person and yourself more than you know.

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