My Favorite Things Week 4- Books

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This will be a new feature on the blog. Each week of the month will have a reoccurring theme featuring something I love. The 4th week of the month the theme will be books that I love, am enjoying, or have recently read. How each week will work, I’m still figuring out. So stay tuned.

If you haven’t read my other posts about books (such as this one and this one) and figured out that I love books. . . Don’t worry. There are more scheduled. There is just something about diving into a nice thick book and living amongst its pages for hours. Add a comfortable couch with a blanket and a nice crisp apple, and that is just a little slice of heaven in my world.

This week I thought I would just start off by sharing with you the last two books I’ve finished and what I’m in the middle of right now.

Book 1- On Writing A Memoir Of The Craft by Stephen King

This book came highly recommended by many writers across all genres. I have never read a book of Stephen King’s as horror is not my reading genre for books. I was a bit apprehensive as that is what he is known for.

The first section of the book is a memoir of how he came to write and his life up to that point of the book. There are a few writing gems in this section as well, but they are mainly contained in the middle section. I found his life to be interesting. Finding out how he found his love of the horror genre made a lot of sense. He was drawn to the early (very cheesy) horror movies.

The middle of the book is largely advice on writing. Some of which I found extremely helpful. His admonition to get rid of all the adverbs you can, well, I’m still working on. I can tell having read it, is making me a better writer as WordPress isn’t screaming at me as much to quit writing in a passive voice.

I would add my recommendations to that of other writers out there. If you want to find out more about Stephen King or if you want to become a better writer, this is a book that will help you on your journey. I gave it 5 stars on my Goodreads account.

Book 2- Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate

One of my friends on Goodreads had been reading this book. I don’t remember who, but I’m glad I saw it and added it to my “want to read” list.

This novel is an orphan story based on true circumstances. It takes place in Tennessee starting at the end of the 1930’s. Children who had parents who loved them and wanted to keep their children but were otherwise poor often dealt with these brutal circumstances. Their children were kidnapped, taken away, or the mothers were made to sign over custody of their children while still under the influence of medication from delivery, or they were simply told that the child had died. The children were then placed in children’s homes. Some were placed for adoption, often with very rich and famous people. Children were murdered by purposeful neglect, some were raped.

All of this was done with the intent to make money off these children by one woman named Georgia Tann who had state and local officials in her pocket. The number of children this happened to is simply staggering. The last case happening in 1950. The Georgia Tann was never brought to justice as just days after her crimes were made public she died of cancer.

I found this appalling on several levels. The obvious of course, but not just because the horrors these children and families suffered. But also because I had never heard of this. I believe that if we don’t know and seek to understand history, we will repeat it. This is not something that should ever be repeated.

The author handles the delicate situations that are discussed with poise. It isn’t mired down with doom and gloom either. I gave this one a 5-star rating on Goodreads.

Currently Reading Books- The 5 Love Languages Military Edition by Gary Chapman and Jocelyn Green

I read the original 5 Love Languages book years ago, and my husband recently brought this one home and asked me to read it to see if it was any good. We have spent a great deal of our married life apart at various times due to the military and other jobs. I thought, oh darn! Another book to read!

I’m only a 1/3 of the way into it. So technically the jury is still out but it covers the same ground as The 5 Love Languages but with the background of military life which can have some unique challenges.

Look for my next installment of what I’m reading the 4th Wednesday in September. Or get a sneak peek by following my Goodreads account.

Tell me in the comments what you are currently reading so that I can add it to my “Want to Read” list.

14 thoughts on “My Favorite Things Week 4- Books

  1. Looks like some great books! My husband and I went to a weekend retreat on the 5 Love Languages shortly after we were married and loved it! Thanks for sharing with us at The Blogger’s Pit Stop! Roseann from This Autoimmune Life

  2. I would never have picked up a Stephen King book either! Why doesn’t he like adverbs???
    I imagine the military life would add some unique challenges to both “speaking” and “receiving” your primary love languages, that other marriages don’t contend with.
    I haven’t read fiction in quite a while. My current read is “Women of the Word” by Jen Wilkin, which I am finding inspirational. Nice to find you on Bloggers Pitstop!

    1. Adverbs go along with a passive voice in writing. He wants you to own what you’re saying.
      I’ll check out that book and see about adding it to my list on Goodreads.

  3. Before We Were Yours is such a fabulous book!! I had never heard anything about that time in our nations history and I was just fascinated by it.

  4. “Before We Were Yours” is on my TBR list and I do know about it, but not very deeply. I like historical fiction very much as I usually learn something new about our history. Right now I am reading one about the Underground Railroad which has always intrigued me as well as slavery in this country and so much more. Thanks for reminding me and for giving me to thoughts on other books.

    1. The Underground Railroad used to fascinate me. It’s been a while since I read anything about it. Hm. . . Might have to go dig some up to read.

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