My PTSD With My Son and School Issues

Anxiety is literally eating me apart.

Daniel and Charlie
One day this past week I couldn’t get my son to go to school and I didn’t figure out until later in the day that it was due to a new testing system. He’s never had any problems taking tests. It makes me wonder if they are following his IEP and actually giving him the testing accommodations he has a legal right to, due to his disabilities. Some of these accommodations are things like having a scribe, having the questions read to him, a bit of extra time, etc. This ensures that he can show what he actually knows, and doesn’t get caught instead in the mechanics of the question. But are these accommodations happening?
I signed paperwork to start a Functional Behavioral Assessment early last week. Things have not been going well in his first year of middle school. He’s reading a book or drawing or watching YouTube videos rather than participating in class and that isn’t going to get him an education.
The Vice Principal called at the end of the day on Friday to let us know that the teachers had come up with a new plan. He would still follow the 6th-grade curriculum track but starting Tuesday, he would be going in and staying with the 8th-grade class. They told me he can do all his work on the computer. But who is going to monitor him to make sure he isn’t on YouTube? If he does all his work on the computer, how will they teach him to work in groups for group projects when that is something he is highly deficient in his ability to do at this time?
They tell me he will still be getting the same content as the 6th graders it will just be a quieter environment that hopefully, will make a better work environment and he will be away from the kids that are setting him off. But how is it appropriate to put a 6th grader who is behind in at least half of his subjects with 8th graders? How are the teachers going to deliver his content, while they are teaching 8th-grade level subjects? He is already behind, there is no way he can keep up with 8th graders.
I am afraid that their next move will be to decide to place him in a self-contained classroom if this doesn’t work. But for him, that would definitely not be the least restrictive environment, and it is the law that he is placed in the least restrictive environment. I am worried that should he be placed there, he wouldn’t get an education. They would just babysit him and he would pick up more inappropriate behaviors in this setting from children who are lower functioning than he is.
Our meeting to discuss all this isn’t scheduled for 3 weeks. The torture of waiting to see what is going to be the educational outcome is crushing because these decisions can really make or break a child’s success and this is MY CHILD.
In the meantime, his behaviors have been escalating. Christmas break and the break in his routine was not our friend.
This has made my anxiety crush me, and insomnia a frequent occurrence. The years of dealing with these situations have given me PTSD with regards to school meetings of any kind. It’s taking my max medications and supplements for me to get through the day. Friday and Saturday after a root canal I couldn’t deal with things. But somehow I have to.
I don’t know why it is this way but it needs to change. Parents with children with Special Needs shouldn’t have to fight SO hard get basic educational needs met. Yet we do, and we will continue to.

0 thoughts on “My PTSD With My Son and School Issues

  1. I have also said to my husband that I feel I have PTSD from everything my son has been through. The battle is constant as a special needs mom. There is no rest. Praying for your situation!

  2. I hope that you can find a way that works for your Son and yourself, it must be so hard and I can’t imagine what you’re going through. One thing I do know is to never stop fighting, keep going. And if you need a break or time out from it all, and can get it, don’t be afraid to ask for it. You also need to look after yourself too. Thanks so much for linking up at #fortheloveofBLOG. Claire x

  3. I’m not up on all the legalities and technicalities, but it seems to me that moving your son to the 8th grade classroom and delivering his instruction by computer is a change of placement which requires a meeting and new plan. If you object to this change, I think you have the right to insist that the current IEP continue to be followed unless/until it is officially changed.
    I assume that your son has a current IEP that specifies the setting in which he will receive his education, the specific number of minutes of services he is to receive, etc. It is a legal document and you can insist that it be followed (probably wise to put your request into writing). It sounds as if the school is trying to figure out a way to improve things that aren’t currently working, but they do not have the right to make these decisions without you.
    Good luck to both you and your son.

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