
Divergent Views and Friendship

Divergent Views and Friendship

”Christ didn’t just hang out with his most devout followers. He spent time with people who thought differently than he did, that had different values than he did. He let his light shine everywhere. We need more light in this world and less darkness. Don’t let the polarization start with you. Let it end with you.” Read more…

Fireweed- At Last I Can Admire You

Fireweed- At Last I Can Admire You

It’s a flower I had never heard of until moving to Alaska. You can make yummy Fireweed Jelly with it. But what it’s most well known for in Alaska is a forecaster of winter coming. Read more…

Making the Right Decisions and the War of 1776

Making the Right Decisions and the War of 1776

While I’ve always loved reading about the Revolutionary War, what I feel this book did a really good job of doing, was presenting the mental struggles that these people had to be going through and the consequences of the choices they made. Read more…

Flag Day Meme

Fly your flag this year and show that you love your country.

*This post contains an affiliate link from which I may receive compensation.

The Land of the Free

Because working and getting to know each other and building up families is the only way to break down race boundaries and prejudice.

An Unexpected Education

An Unexpected Education

With all the moving and traveling I have done, it has ended up giving me an education of sorts that not everyone gets. I have learned to understand different people and cultures on a more intimate level. I’ve come to understand the unique challenges particular areas face, and that in spite of the unique challenges and differences we all generally want the same thing. A safe place to live, food for the table, a chance at happiness,  and loved ones to cherish.