Autism Awareness

Friday Memes

Brought to you by the children of “An Ordinary Mom.”

Camping with Kids

Camping with Kids

I LOVE camping. I love the smell of a wood fire. It is one of my favorite smells.
Add roasted marshmallows to it and I am one happy person! I love sleeping in a tent, and the unique smells and sounds that you can experience there. It’s something of an adventure and I’ve always loved adventures. Read more…

Birthday Parties and Autism

Birthday Parties and Autism

“For years I have dreaded my kids birthdays. Birthdays are supposed to be fun and exciting days. Autism has taken that from us. Instead, they have been filled with dread for me every time each of my kid’s birthdays approaches.” Read more…

Dear Fellow Church Members- How You Can Help

Dear Fellow Church Members- How You Can Help

“There are people in your congregation that are a little bit different. They have some special needs.  What you may not know is that many times those special needs can hamper the individual and their family’s ability to come and participate in church, feel comfortable, or even make it difficult to feel that God is near. These are some ways that you can help these families.”

Finding Your Tribe

Shortly after D was diagnosed with Autism he started Occupational Therapy (OT). For as long as I live, I will never forget walking into his first appointment and feeling such relief as I observed the other kids there. As one boy came careening around the wall and then crashed into it, I realized that I had found D’s tribe. There were other kids out there just like him! He wasn’t alone!
Not only did he find his tribe but I found mine in the other parents in the waiting rooms who were all going through similar experiences. This brought me hope and information I was searching for.
Finding your tribe is probably one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your child after receiving a diagnosis that knocks you off your feet. They help you regain your balance, feel accepted and not crazy, (because sometimes you really wonder about your sanity). It helps your child deal with the loneliness that comes with discovering you are different and all your friends don’t have medical procedures they have to do every day, that they have jokes that you don’t understand because to you, speech is very literal, or that while their friends are playing after school, you’re at doctors appointments, therapy or just too exhausted to play.
To my tribe, THANK YOU!
To those of you who aren’t in my tribe yet, I can’t wait to meet you and help you in the way so many others have helped us.