
Making Peace With Not Getting A Hallmark Ending

Making Peace With Not Getting A Hallmark Ending

We all want a Hallmark movie ending. Sometimes though, it’s not in the cards.

Days before Christmas Day 2021 my last grandparent died. It was my maternal grandmother. The weekend before, I had tried to go and see her as we knew she wasn’t going to last much longer. I bought the plane tickets and reserved a car.

But I was given the message she was refusing to see me and if I showed up at the nursing home I would be turned away.

To my knowledge, I’d never done anything that would warrant this. I felt hurt and conflicted. I wanted the chance to say goodbye and this would be my only chance. Grandma was leaving instructions that there was to be no funeral, no graveside service. No gathering of any kind.

The truth is, my grandma was difficult in many ways. Many of my siblings have had no relationship at all with her because she couldn’t be bothered to have a relationship with them and show up. Some only saw her once, at our brother’s funeral. As the oldest grandchild, I had more of a relationship with her than most. But even for me, she couldn’t be bothered to show up for my wedding.

There are good memories too.

Image by Lubos Houska from Pixabay

When I was a little girl, it was my grandma who showed me the world of books. She and her husband had previously owned a used book store that closed, and many of the books found a home in their home. Every wall in their house was lined with books. Every time Grandma came to visit she brought boxes of books. I was a struggling reader. She shared Nancy Drew books with me and I was hooked for life. Nancy Drew was eventually followed by Agatha Christie and then I moved on to biographies.

To this day, one of my greatest joys is a good book. It brings me so much happiness. Reading has opened new avenues and ways of thinking, helped me dream and move forward in life, and escape for a few hours when life becomes too much. It’s one of the greatest gifts she gave me.

I didn’t get a Hallmark movie ending with my grandmother.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

A lot of times with family we don’t.

So what do we do when that happens?

We take the time to mourn the relationship that never was and then recognize the good things that the relationship brought us. Even in the worst ones, there’s something. My grandmother’s refusal to see me? It reemphasized how I did not want to be a grandmother like her should I ever become one. It made me hold my kids closer.

I’m grateful for that reminder even if …

I didn’t get the closure I wanted.

Our relationship was strained.

I was left fumbling around with grief I didn’t know what to do with.

To Ban or Not To Ban, That is the Question

To Ban or Not To Ban, That is the Question

“Reading widely taught me several things. To name just a few, it taught me the value of learning about other people’s perspectives. This has changed my mind and helped me to better understand situations on more occasions than I can count.
It taught me how to curate my own reading. There are only so many hours in a day. Which books am I going to read? Was I going to waste my time on books that weren’t worth my time? Both of those were extremely valuable lessons.”
Read more…

Where Have I Been?? COVID Burnout

Where Have I Been?? COVID Burnout

“This blog has been silent most of the summer. I wish I could say it was because of something wonderful and awesome. Instead, I’m admitting to COVID burnout.”
Read more. . .

Give Me The Indoors! But Wait. . .

Give Me The Indoors! But Wait. . .

”The indoors is my space. Give me a kitchen to cook in, a library to read through, an old movie to watch. These are my happy places.”
Read more. . .

Librarians- Changing The World One Book At A Time

Librarians- Changing The World One Book At A Time

We all know the caricature of our childhood Librarians. A stern bespectacled maiden old lady who looks warningly over the top of her glasses “sh”ing you every time you made the slightest noise.
These were what the librarians of my childhood. Read more. . .

My Favorite Things: Books

My Favorite Things: Books

This week I’m focusing on books. One of my most favorite things which if you have been reading this blog for long, you will know. So on to what I have been reading. Read more. . .

How To Find The Perfect Gift For Her

How To Find The Perfect Gift For Her

Last week I shared with women how to avoid the gifts that you really didn’t want from your significant other. Or the arguments because you didn’t know what to get her and now she’s hurt because you didn’t know what she wanted. This one is for all the men with women in your lives.

You don’t know what to get her for Christmas. She’s really hard to buy for. So I’ll help you out. I’ve divided it up into categories as not all women are the same. You should be able to tell what type of gift your significant other might like from there.

First Step- Listen

We tell you all the time about things we like, enjoy or think look nice. Pay attention! We’re giving you clues here. I know you have other things on your mind and may not realize it. But if you can pay attention to what she is saying and figure out what she would like based on what she is telling you, you’re going to score major points.

Second Step- What type of Woman is she?

So it’s a bit late and you didn’t clue into the things she was telling you. No problem, I’m here to help you. What type of woman is she? What I mean by that- Is she someone who loves jewelry and clothes? Someone who would rather have something practical that she needs? Does she like the theater or arts? Is self-care important to her? Chances are she’d like more than one of these categories.

For the Woman who loves Jewelry and Clothes-

This is probably the hardest for me because I am not this woman. Try a place like Stitch Fix. Buy her a gift card for a  couple of boxes that will come throughout the year with surprises. She tells them her likes, dislikes, and size and they do the shopping for her. For someone like me who hates shopping, this is also a great gift for people like me.

For the Woman who loves Practical Things-

This woman would love things like a Roomba to do her vacuuming for her. She never has to think about it again once it’s set up.

Does she cook? An Insta-Pot is a great timesaving device. Less mess, fewer dishes, food cooked faster. It’s a win, win!

Try a dinner subscription service like Blue Apron. Every woman wonders what to make for dinner some nights.

For the Woman who loves The Arts-

A play, concert tickets (to something she wants to go to, not your favorite band. . .). A performance of The Nutcracker, or a sing-along to Handel’s Messiah.

Books. For this type of woman she likely loves books. If you don’t know what books to buy, try buying a Kindle, or a gift card to Barnes and Noble or Amazon.

For the Woman who loves Self-Care-

There are lots of options for you for this woman and for every level of budget. A full day at a Spa? Or maybe just a facial or massage. Money is tight? Buy her a pedicure or manicure. Not sure what to get her? A fairly safe bet is a nice relaxing massage. It’s a stressful time of year. Less stress means more time with you tonight. . . Check out your local spas. Not sure where to send her? Ask her best friend. She’ll point you in the right direction.

General Pointers

This is a busy time of year. There are lots of extra things to do and never enough time to do it in. Want to make her extra happy?

Call and tell her you are bringing home dinner tonight- or better yet, get a babysitter and take her out.

Don’t have time for that? Pitch in and do some dishes or scrub a toilet. Do that and she’ll be wanting to put the kids to bed early for a night with you.

Bring home flowers (as long as she isn’t allergic), for her, the table or just to brighten up the house.

Good luck!

My Favorite Things Week 4- Books

My Favorite Things Week 4- Books

If you haven’t read my other posts about books (such as this one and this one) and figured out that I love books. . . Don’t worry. There are more scheduled. There is just something about diving into a nice thick book and living amongst its pages for hours. Add a comfortable couch with a blanket and a nice crisp apple, and that is just a little slice of heaven in my world. Read more…

Children’s Picture Books We Love

Children’s Picture Books We Love

“What makes a really good picture book that children and adults keep coming back to and reading for the 100th time? What engages the imagination of the readers and makes books beloved? As I have started rereading and going through picture books, I’m realizing that a lot of them, even if they don’t rhythm, they have a cadence that makes it lyrical. Read more…