
My Peace I Leave With You

My Peace I Leave With You

“My peace I leave with you. My peace I give unto you. Not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

John 14:27

Of all the verses of scripture, this is my favorite.

It centers me.

It pulls me forward reminding me I can do hard things.

Who doesn’t want peace? Who doesn’t need peace?

I grew up as the oldest in a very large family- 11 kids. While we ourselves weren’t a very loud family, with all those people it could get loud and chaotic. I was a teenager when I found this verse and it brought me great comfort.

A hand reaching toward the light
Image by Jackson David from Pixabay

As I have grabbed hold of my courage and pushed my way through the hard things, this verse has sustained me. As I have dealt with the things that make you fall to your knees in helpless surrender this verse has held me.

We Have Trauma Too

We Have Trauma Too

A friend’s child is in the hospital right now due to a heart condition. As I visited for a moment with her, I was brought back to all those times my child was in the hospital. How hard that is. There are so many maybes, and what if’s, and no guarantees. A mother’s worst nightmare.

This is a nightmare those of us in the special needs community are all too familiar with.

Mental health practitioners are recognizing more and more how medical trauma affects the children being treated. But what I don’t hear about is the vicarious medical trauma that parents suffer, and a light needs to be shown on it. Because it is real, and it is important.

An acquaintance recently posted about how she was having issues with her pregnancy and was being kept at the hospital for a while. But it was bringing back so many memories, triggering so much trauma from when her three year old was being treated for cancer and then later died.

In my work as a social work case manager, I remind parents daily about self care. I remind them how important it is to take care of themselves, I recommend that they seek therapy and healing.

So I’m going to remind you today too. The trauma you have experienced as you have shepherded your children through these illnesses and disabilities? It’s real. Don’t question it. Invest the time in yourself and your care. Seek out therapy, a listening year of a friend. Practice good self care. Your children depend on it.

But even more importantly, so do you.

I can do hard things

I can do hard things

Tonight when the demons in my head want to take over, I’m reminding myself that I am amazing and I have accomplished things that I dreamt about for years.

I graduated college. I have a BA in psychology. Other people had that. Not me. But now I do.

I’m getting my Master’s degree in Social Work.

I am a published writer.

Yes, my brain and other people are tearing me down and screaming at me that I can’t do anything right.

But the evidence?

The evidence is that I have survived 16 years of special needs parenting. And that is an accomplishment.

I survived 19 years of being a military spouse. Not everyone does that.

I crawled my way though years of severe back pain and 2 surgeries. And I came out the other side.

Anxiety, depression, people who don’t like me and think I’m worthless?

You won’t win.

I will get back up.

I will NOT give up.

I might have to stop and regroup. Give myself breathing room and take my meds.

That doesn’t mean I’m weak or incapable.

It means I am smart enough to recognize when I need help. I’m strong enough to get back up. My brain and the naysayers don’t get to win.

Because I am enough!

Holding a Job and Being a Parent of Special Needs Child is Often Incompatible

Holding a Job and Being a Parent of Special Needs Child is Often Incompatible

“The first story I’ll tell you is that of a single mom. She recently discovered that her daughter had serious medical issues. All of her sick leave and vacation now go to time off for medical appointments. She has enough for this year, but next year, she will likely burn through that quickly. Vacations will now be a thing of the past while she desperately tries to balance working, being a mom, and the care of her sick child. She is lucky. She has worked with the company she works for, for over a year and therefore is eligible for the government program of FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act). This act protects her job and ensures she gets time off- though unpaid, to care for her child.”
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Being Held Emotionally Hostage

“I was recently talking with another mom who has a child with mental health issues. While talking she used the term “emotionally held hostage.” Those three words struck a cord with me because so often in the special needs, disability, and mental health worlds it can feel like we are being held hostage. By our children, spouses, parents, and even ourselves through our own illnesses.”
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The Hard Work of Living With Anxiety

The Hard Work of Living With Anxiety

“Right now I am in a class for Psychological Pharmacology and I have never worked harder on any class in my life. I am not doing well. It’s my last semester so I can’t drop the class if I want to graduate. Last week I spent 6-8 hours a day studying and going to class just for this class. It’s affecting my work for my other classes.
And it’s affecting me.”
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Fear About Being Admitted to a Psych Unit

Fear About Being Admitted to a Psych Unit

“Mental health is a scary issue for many people. There is so much stigma attached to many of the diagnoses. Adults frequently are afraid that they will lose their jobs if anyone finds out. This leads to not getting help, and not being able to talk to anyone about their mental health isolating them from the world. Which in turn, can lead to more mental health issues like depression and anxiety. ”
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Child Loss- A Sibling In Heaven

Child Loss- A Sibling In Heaven

”Growing up, I always knew I had a sister in heaven. I remember talking to her as a child and making promises that I would make all the right choices so that I could join her in Heaven one day. For me, she had personality and vitality and was waiting for me to join her so that we could fulfill our relationship as sisters.”
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