
Feeling like a fraud

Feeling like a fraud

“And so I sit here, trying to understand that because my life is not filled with trauma causing events, and has really calmed down in a lot of ways, that it makes me feel like a fraud. As mental health is my chosen field to study and eventually work in… This makes me want to dig into this further.”
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Seriously? One Day I Won’t Be Fighting A School District?

Seriously? One Day I Won’t Be Fighting A School District?

“For many years moms of older boys with special needs have told me it would get better. That things were going to change.
Full confession?
I absolutely positively did not believe them. In fact, I thought they were crazy and delusional.”
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Love Doesn’t End With Death

Love Doesn’t End With Death

“He may have been old and sometimes cantankerous when I knew him but these memories coming to mind, reminded me of the deep love he had for his family and how he was always there whenever we needed him.”
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Fear About Being Admitted to a Psych Unit

Fear About Being Admitted to a Psych Unit

“Mental health is a scary issue for many people. There is so much stigma attached to many of the diagnoses. Adults frequently are afraid that they will lose their jobs if anyone finds out. This leads to not getting help, and not being able to talk to anyone about their mental health isolating them from the world. Which in turn, can lead to more mental health issues like depression and anxiety. ”
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Hear Me Scream! We Are Different Despite Our Diagnoses

Hear Me Scream! We Are Different Despite Our Diagnoses

“. . .when we are talking to people with disabilities, we need to understand that just because we know they have one diagnosis, it does not mean that you understand what their unique issues and experiences are.”
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My Daughter’s Proud of Her ADHD

My Daughter’s Proud of Her ADHD

“So often we think of disabilities as hard, horrible things. Yet here was my daughter saying that she was proud of one of hers.”
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Dear Health Professionals

Dear Health Professionals

“As a parent with a special needs child, we are expected to have a medical degree, multiple therapy degrees, education degrees, degrees in nutrition, psychology and more. (I’ll be able to claim the psychology degree in a few months.) At least it seems that way when we take our child with Autism to the doctor or consult one.”
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