
Being The Sibling of a Special Needs Child is Hard

Being The Sibling of a Special Needs Child is Hard

“Being a sibling of a child with a disability or special needs is hard.

For a child, it can be embarrassing.  Their sibling does things no one else does. The sibling may not understand the finer points of socialization, causing embarrassing situations. ”
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When Your Child Has Too Many Diagnoses

When Your Child Has Too Many Diagnoses

“I was really hoping to able to get my son into special needs summer camps this year. Last year I enrolled him in some at the local community center, and things didn’t go well. So I’ve moved on to other camps that specialize in children with special needs. I was really excited as I found some really cool ones that bill themselves as camps for kids who can’t go to normal summer camps. They are staffed with medical professionals to deal with medical issues that could arise. I was SO excited to find them. One would even take my daughter too and my husband and I could have a mini-vacation!”
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Speech, Hearing, and Your Child

Speech, Hearing, and Your Child

“Are you trying desperately to understand your child’s speech? I’ve been there. It can be SOOOOO frustrating for you, and your child. So I’m going to share what I learned.”