
Somewhere Lies A Cemetery

Somewhere Lies A Cemetery

“In a little town in the western United States is a small-town graveyard. To walk or drive-in, you must traverse over a cattle-guard leftover from when the cows roamed free closer to town. In this place, I am connected. It is a strange feeling to feel connected to a graveyard.”
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Will Your Kids Miss Out Not Living By Grandparents?

Will Your Kids Miss Out Not Living By Grandparents?

My children may not have lived close to grandparents and cousins where they could spend holidays and all summer long with them. But they have been blessed with other experiences. They have had other people step up and be their surrogate grandparents. They have had communities that have loved and cherished them. Maybe it isn’t the same, but it’s not all that bad either. Read more. . .

My Grandpa Died Today…

While funerals are about the person who has died, they are for the people left behind. They provide closure. They need closure. I understand not wanting people to go on and on for hours about you. I probably wouldn’t want that either. But have a small graveside service or a small gathering of family and friends to reminisce. Give them a chance to say goodbye. Give them the time to hold you lovingly in their memories and be able to gently let you go.