Growing Up

My Greatest Hope and My Greatest Fear

My Greatest Hope and My Greatest Fear

“Two and one half years.

That’s the amount of time I have left until my son turns 18. Every time I think about it, terror grips my heart.”

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Our Changing World: Special Needs Children

Our Changing World: Special Needs Children

“I don’t have any magic advice. For those of you dealing with five. Just know that those of us at 13? We’re here for you. We’ll help you through.”
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I Mourn the Loss of Frilly Dresses and Childhood

I Mourn the Loss of Frilly Dresses and Childhood

“I’m forced to say a fond farewell to all the beautiful dresses I loved dressing her in. The dresses she got just as much joy out of. Instead, I’m trying to embrace the new fashion choices of t-shirts that read, “Smart, Cool, and Good Looking Like Daddy”, or Wonder Woman shirts with the words “Strength and Power”, or “Watch Me Dance”. ” Read more…

Church, Autism, and My Son: Granting Myself Grace

Church, Autism, and My Son: Granting Myself Grace

“The fact that I breathed a sigh of relief because D wasn’t there gave me pause. Then the guilt started coming. I was happy because my son wasn’t at church? I was happy he was sick and had to stay home? What was wrong with me?” Read more…

Daddies and Daughters- That Special Bond

Daddies and Daughters- That Special Bond

There is just something particularly special about a little girl and her Daddy’s bond. It’s like no other bond that I have seen. It’s unique. And that’s I think the purpose of that bond when God made Dads and daughters. Read more…

Faith That My Daughter Will Find Her Way

“One of the hardest things as a parent is taking a back seat and letting your child take over and drive their lives. Really they have been doing it all their lives but they have let you believe that you had some control over them and their lives.”