
Will It Be My Fault?

Will It Be My Fault?

I sometimes think back to the early years of my kids lives. They were born in 2006 and 2007. Until 2015 I dealt with debilitating back pain. In 2013 I had my first back surgery which didn’t work. In 2015 I had my second surgery and almost 8 years later I’m still doing well.

But those early years meant a lot of mom laying on the couch or bed, trips to doctors, emergency rooms, and chiropractors. When we were preparing for my second surgery my daughter was terrified what would happen to her and her brother. She remembered that after the first surgery I couldn’t do much. Who was going to take care of them? Who was going to feed them?

As I remembered this today, it struck me that my husband and my roles are reversed now. He is frequently in hospital, or at doctors when I can drag him there (men!)., in bed and not feeling well. Now they worry about him.

Who is going to be there for them when he cannot?

Water Gun Fights In The Winter

Parents are central to a child’s survival and psyche. It is from them a lot of our self talk comes from. It is from them often we learn to rely a lot on others or be very independent.

I worry that because of all the physical pain I was dealing with, which in turn greatly affected my mental health, I was not enough. Add to that dealing with other people in the family’s mental health and the strain it put on me.

Did I raise children who will sit on a therapist’s couch one day because their mother ruined them? Because she wasn’t emotionally or physically available?

As they are teenagers now, I wonder through these years of their hating me one minute and breaking down to tell you they love you the next. Did I fill their needs? They were fed and clothed.

Being The Sibling of a Special Needs Child is Hard

Being The Sibling of a Special Needs Child is Hard

“Being a sibling of a child with a disability or special needs is hard.

For a child, it can be embarrassing.  Their sibling does things no one else does. The sibling may not understand the finer points of socialization, causing embarrassing situations. ”
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Blogging, Writing, and Finding “Me”

Blogging, Writing, and Finding “Me”

Often as bloggers, we have a lot of social media accounts. Between these and our blog stats, we are always looking at numbers. How many people viewed this post? How many people commented or shared it? Are my numbers up or down? Numbers can be depressing at times as we compare with others we see around us. Read more…

Save the Guilt For Sin

Save the Guilt For Sin

“I’ve been sitting here pondering this idea that sin is the only reason we should allow ourselves to feel guilt. I feel guilty in SO many areas of my life. Guilt because I wasn’t able to do something. Guilt because I wasn’t there for someone. Guilt because I ate the last piece of candy. Guilt because I made a decision that based on the information I had at the time I thought best, but then later found out it wasn’t. Guilt because I haven’t gotten something done. I could go on and on and on with this list. I’m guessing you could too.”

The Causes of Autism and People Who “Think” They Have The Answer

The Causes of Autism and People Who “Think” They Have The Answer

“Autism is a very complicated medical issue. There are MANY factors that cause it, and that can help the symptoms. Not every person with autism has all the symptoms. What works for some doesn’t mean it is going to work for everyone with autism due to the complex nature of Autism.”
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