I Am Enough

I can do hard things

I can do hard things

Tonight when the demons in my head want to take over, I’m reminding myself that I am amazing and I have accomplished things that I dreamt about for years.

I graduated college. I have a BA in psychology. Other people had that. Not me. But now I do.

I’m getting my Master’s degree in Social Work.

I am a published writer.

Yes, my brain and other people are tearing me down and screaming at me that I can’t do anything right.

But the evidence?

The evidence is that I have survived 16 years of special needs parenting. And that is an accomplishment.

I survived 19 years of being a military spouse. Not everyone does that.

I crawled my way though years of severe back pain and 2 surgeries. And I came out the other side.

Anxiety, depression, people who don’t like me and think I’m worthless?

You won’t win.

I will get back up.

I will NOT give up.

I might have to stop and regroup. Give myself breathing room and take my meds.

That doesn’t mean I’m weak or incapable.

It means I am smart enough to recognize when I need help. I’m strong enough to get back up. My brain and the naysayers don’t get to win.

Because I am enough!

A Life in Pictures: We ARE Enough

A Life in Pictures: We ARE Enough

I have been getting acupuncture treatments and my Naturopath suggested that I work on meditating while getting the treatments as I spend an hour lying on a table with no distractions. To direct myself and help focus I usually find a mantra for the day that I’m trying to help myself find peace with. The first one I chose was, “I am Enough.” Read more…

Writing and Believing In Your Self Worth

Writing and Believing In Your Self Worth

As I began asking other writers about their processes in writing their bio’s, one of them suggested that I ask someone who reads my work and who loves me, to tell me about myself. My reply was that I would have to then believe them. I realized that in order to believe someone else, I would have to first believe in myself. Read more…