
Unpopular, Stuck With A Flip Phone, The Worst Mother

Unpopular, Stuck With A Flip Phone, The Worst Mother

“Cell phones are here to stay. I get that. I’m not going to tell you when you should give a child a cell phone or how much they should/should not be on it. But can we agree not to give them the latest and greatest cell phone?”
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The Meanest Mom Who Won’t Give Her Daughter A Smartphone

The Meanest Mom Who Won’t Give Her Daughter A Smartphone

“Sometimes my children ask and badger so much that I start wondering if I’m just being a bad Mom. Times have changed since I was a kid.
But that’s just it. Times have changed. In a world where pornography, a huge increase in sex trafficking, cyber bullying, and SO much more is out there, we need to stand firm. It is our responsibility to keep our children safe, and as their parent, you get to decide what that is.” Read more. . .