
Leave Out The Politics And Ask, “What Would Jesus Do?”

Leave Out The Politics And Ask, “What Would Jesus Do?”

“However, if we were to leave politics, government, terrorists, and everything else out of the equation and just ask, WWJD? What do you think he would say about the men, women, and children waiting at the borders of our land starving to come in? ”
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Can You Just Listen To Me?

Can You Just Listen To Me?

“No matter what you personally have experienced, another person has lived a different life. They need to know that their own experiences are valid. Even if they are different from our own. Even if it has led them down a different path from us. People aren’t going to listen to our testimonies of Christ unless they know of our love for them.”
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I Don’t Love My Child Today

I Don’t Love My Child Today

”Have you ever had that moment where you realized you don’t like your child? Maybe even hate him? ”
Read more to decide if I am psycho, or a good mom. . .

Did I Deserve Better Treatment Than Homeless People?

Did I Deserve Better Treatment Than Homeless People?

“. . .this agency services people who are homeless, people who are drug addicts, people who can’t afford to get care any other way. That is not our story. It made me very uncomfortable as a woman, and a mother to take him into this environment, surrounded by these type of people.

I was explaining how uncomfortable to someone this situation made me. I didn’t feel very safe. I didn’t like exposing my son to these types of people. But as I was saying this, it suddenly struck me how elitist I sounded. It sounded like I felt I was better than these people and should be taken care of in a better environment than they were.

My heart convicted me.”

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