K-8 school

A New Era of School For Us

Written Tuesday September 5th.
Tonight my anxiety levels are high. My oldest starts middle school tomorrow. In the best of circumstances middle school can be full of daunting experiences. My little boy has Autism so it’s hardly the most ideal circumstances. 
I spent a lot of time researching schools. We have the option in Washington state to “choice” our children into any public school we want so I took full advantage of the oppurtunity. I choiced him into a K-8 school as I felt strongly the smaller environment would be better for him. A week before school starts I get a phone call saying they had made a lot of changes to their program and the physical space. Now there would be 60 kids in the room at one time… So much for my small environment. After talking things over with them, we’re going to give it a try. Hopefully this works.
All new school, all new type of schedule. New expectations for this child that doesn’t deal well with change and transitions. We just figured out Elementary school!
My heart goes with both of my children tomorrow as they start back to school. May they find true friends and truely learn to love learning. But my anxiety also will be joining my son’s path down this new territory.