
To Ban or Not To Ban, That is the Question

To Ban or Not To Ban, That is the Question

“Reading widely taught me several things. To name just a few, it taught me the value of learning about other people’s perspectives. This has changed my mind and helped me to better understand situations on more occasions than I can count.
It taught me how to curate my own reading. There are only so many hours in a day. Which books am I going to read? Was I going to waste my time on books that weren’t worth my time? Both of those were extremely valuable lessons.”
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Librarians- Changing The World One Book At A Time

Librarians- Changing The World One Book At A Time

We all know the caricature of our childhood Librarians. A stern bespectacled maiden old lady who looks warningly over the top of her glasses “sh”ing you every time you made the slightest noise.
These were what the librarians of my childhood. Read more. . .