
Dear Medical Professionals

Dear Medical Professionals

“Yes, it’s almost like we are asking you to be God. But you don’t have all the answers, and can’t preform all the miracles.”
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Mental Illness Ebbs and Flows

Mental Illness Ebbs and Flows

“Last year, I was writing about what a wonderful healthy place I was in with my mental health. I still remember the joy of it and feeling like I had really found myself.

This year has brought amazing blessings. Many of which I have prayed for years for. But it has also brought a difficult struggle with my mental health.”
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Anxiety Tries To Take Command!

Anxiety Tries To Take Command!

“We just bought a house!
We had no sooner signed the papers on our very first home of our own when it started. Persistent thoughts of- “We can’t afford this.” “Someone is going to come take it away.” “You can’t do this!”
All lies. Big huge lies my brain was telling me.” Read more. . .

Did I Hear That Right? You Want Cocaine For All?

Did I Hear That Right? You Want Cocaine For All?

I was leaving my “Death, Dying and Bereavement” class last quarter and the conversation I came to hear became a bit ironic considering where I had just been. Done with school for the day. I walked the hallways back toward the entrance while happening to walk next to two young men in the middle of a conversation. They were discussing the legality of Marijuana. Should it be legalized nationally? Read more. . .

My Journey With Anxiety

My Journey With Anxiety

“Not everyone is as lucky as I am and has their attacks manifest in all different ways. But know that this is a possibility. Things don’t always go by the book.” Read more…

The Autism Poop Stories

This is FAR more than you ever wanted to know about “Poop and Autism”. 😉 By sharing this I hope other families realize they aren’t alone in this struggle.