Military Spouse

Your Husband Is Gone And You Love It?

Your Husband Is Gone And You Love It?

Right before our 1st wedding anniversary, my husband was getting ready to deploy to Iraq for 16 months with the military. He actually reported in for duty on our 1st Anniversary. We had just moved and were at a new church. The women there were gracious and kind.

However, I didn’t understand the comments from various women about how they were jealous and wished their husbands would go away for a year or two. Here I was a newly married person, my husband was going off to war with no guarantee that he would ever come home again, I was appalled!

(Quick PSA, if you are talking to a woman, and her spouse has deployed statements like above, or ones like, “I never get to see my husband anymore”, when he is home in bed every night- Just don’t.)

I’ve also been on the opposite side of comments where women have said, “I could never do what you do, having your husband gone all the time.” They feel their husband has to be by their side in order to survive. While these comments are basically the exact opposite of the previous ones, these comments puzzled me as well.

Fast forward 15 years. . . I now understand what each of these groups of women meant.

You love your husband. You really, really do. But. . .

Sometimes it’s nice to have the whole king size bed to yourself!

Occasionally it’s nice to stay up half the night working on a project without having to worry about waking up your husband or feeling guilty because you aren’t spending time with him. The kids are in bed and this is your time to do with as you please.

Sometimes you want to watch a sappy girl movie that most men would rather die than watch.

Occasionally you want girl food, not meat and potatoes. Because let’s face it, the kids are happy with cereal or Mac and Cheese. This leaves you to have your grapes, cream puffs, and croissants, or whatever else strikes your fancy.

But what about that other group of women who can’t survive without their husband’s being there?

I’ve always been a pretty independent person. Having kids has taught me the value of having a partner in the craziness.

Someone who can take over before you’ve completely lost it with the kids, the house and the dog.

A person who can share the joys and the sorrows with you and help you face the day after.

Someone who is your best friend and who just “gets” you.

My married life has been such that my husband has times in which he is gone for extended periods. Other times he is home working normal hours locally. What I’ve learned through the years is to take each time that I have and thoroughly enjoy it to the fullest.

The Beauty Of Our Life Together?

We get a taste of both worlds and can appreciate them all the better.


I come from a long line of people who have no problems sleeping. There are a few recorded episodes within my family of narcolepsy, and the joke has always been in my family that my Dad’s eyelids were connected to his behind as he would sit down and immediately go to sleep.
Sleep issues for my son were a complete surprise to me. What came as an even bigger surprise was the sleep issues I have developed.
All mothers go through a through a period of at least a few years where their children don’t sleep at night and they are very sleep deprived. Eventually, most children learn to sleep through the night. But my issues started LONG before children.
My sleepless nights started when my husband deployed to Iraq for the first time. There was a bit of a time difference there between us, coupled with the fact that phones were not very accessible, and depending on when he was on duty or not, largely dictated when he could call which was usually about 3 am. But he was in a war zone, and I was just happy to talk to him. But when I hadn’t heard from him in awhile I would either be kept awake worrying or wake up suddenly expecting a call. Let’s just say that didn’t make the greatest sleep for 16 months.
We didn’t have any kids at the time thankfully. Those came a couple years later and my daughter was born during his second deployment to Iraq when again I was waiting for phone calls.
Later when D was about 3 1/2 he started waking between 2-4am for the day. That was pretty much impossible for me to handle. It was what propelled me to start finding out what was going on with him. Here we are, many years later and sleep is still an issue for him.
Suddenly I am having really bad bouts of insomnia that can literally keep me awake all night. I really think at this point it has been trained into my body from the last 14 years or so. I don’t function well at all on no sleep. I pretty much can’t function. So I should be able to chalk up any bad decisions I’ve made recently to chronic lack of sleep right? I mean there has to some good side?
This is a very common occurrence for parents of children with Special Needs and for spouses of Military personnel who are deployed. This is the life I’ve chosen and I live. Here’s hoping I can find the right supplements to knock me out at night.

Tender Mercies

Tender Mercies

Tender mercies of the Lord have been my salvation time and time again. So many times my needs prayed and unprayed for are answered by angels here every day.