Military Wife

I can do hard things

I can do hard things

Tonight when the demons in my head want to take over, I’m reminding myself that I am amazing and I have accomplished things that I dreamt about for years.

I graduated college. I have a BA in psychology. Other people had that. Not me. But now I do.

I’m getting my Master’s degree in Social Work.

I am a published writer.

Yes, my brain and other people are tearing me down and screaming at me that I can’t do anything right.

But the evidence?

The evidence is that I have survived 16 years of special needs parenting. And that is an accomplishment.

I survived 19 years of being a military spouse. Not everyone does that.

I crawled my way though years of severe back pain and 2 surgeries. And I came out the other side.

Anxiety, depression, people who don’t like me and think I’m worthless?

You won’t win.

I will get back up.

I will NOT give up.

I might have to stop and regroup. Give myself breathing room and take my meds.

That doesn’t mean I’m weak or incapable.

It means I am smart enough to recognize when I need help. I’m strong enough to get back up. My brain and the naysayers don’t get to win.

Because I am enough!

Feeling like a fraud

Feeling like a fraud

“And so I sit here, trying to understand that because my life is not filled with trauma causing events, and has really calmed down in a lot of ways, that it makes me feel like a fraud. As mental health is my chosen field to study and eventually work in… This makes me want to dig into this further.”
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Tender Mercies

Tender Mercies

Tender mercies of the Lord have been my salvation time and time again. So many times my needs prayed and unprayed for are answered by angels here every day.