
Chicago Med Highlights Child Residential Care

Chicago Med Highlights Child Residential Care

“They are told that in order to get the help their son needs they will have to give up custody to force their state into giving him care.

This is what they end up having to do. They have to legally “abandon” their child and Social services take over.”
Read more. . .

World Autism Awareness Day

World Autism Awareness Day

When you are looking to hire someone for a job, consider widening your search parameters. A large portion of adults who experience Autism are unemployed. Many of them are smart, capable people. Consider taking a chance on someone who seems just a little different. Maybe they might need a few accommodations. But so do many other people. Read more . . .

Silence Is My Friend

“Silence has always been my friend…Darkness has always comforted me as well because when it was dark outside, … and I would spend my time looking out the window at the beautiful twinkling stars in the night sky and live out adventures and stories in my head.