
And I Find Myself At Loose Ends

And I Find Myself At Loose Ends

“Maybe it’s just the process of pulling up roots and being replanted. But I find myself listless and trying to find meaning in what I am doing every day.” Read more. . .

It Takes Love

It Takes Love

“What you don’t know is no sooner than we got here, still living in a hotel, having started the process of buying our house, my husband received notification that he was being considered for a different job. It was his dream job. The one he had been applying to for years. The one that makes him drool at the thought of getting to do that work.” Read more. . .

Life Ran Away With Me

Life Ran Away With Me

“If you are a regular reader here, you might have noticed that my normally regular posting has been. . . Spotty.

Life has a way of running away with you. Or piling on more and more until you have to yell. “Uncle!” (I’ve never understood where that exclamation comes from. Anyone know?)” Read more. . .

A New School Low That Became a New High

A New School Low That Became a New High

“For a parent of a child who can have extreme behavior, and extreme stubbornness (he comes by that rightfully), this was something beautiful to behold. You always worry when you are moving somewhere new, will there be the resources that you need? Will they be kind? Can your family survive in the new area?” Read more. . .

Dear Parents: Kindness Begins With You

Dear Parents: Kindness Begins With You

That child that hasn’t been nice to your child? Maybe give him a second chance? Maybe something else is going on than being a brat. Does this child look different? Does he sound different? Chances are that a lot of children with hidden disabilities don’t appear to have anything wrong with them. So they are judged for the things that they might not be able to control. They are shunned for behaviors that might be different from the norm. You never know what battle people might be fighting. Read more…

Faith That My Daughter Will Find Her Way

“One of the hardest things as a parent is taking a back seat and letting your child take over and drive their lives. Really they have been doing it all their lives but they have let you believe that you had some control over them and their lives.”

An Unexpected Education

An Unexpected Education

With all the moving and traveling I have done, it has ended up giving me an education of sorts that not everyone gets. I have learned to understand different people and cultures on a more intimate level. I’ve come to understand the unique challenges particular areas face, and that in spite of the unique challenges and differences we all generally want the same thing. A safe place to live, food for the table, a chance at happiness,  and loved ones to cherish.