
Social Media, Writing, and Me

Social Media, Writing, and Me

“In today’s world, writers are told, they must have an online social media presence. We’re supposed to post to Facebook multiple times a day, portray beautiful Instagram pictures, and tweeting out thoughtful, or snarky tweets on Twitter. You need to be advertising yourself and your brand.”
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Favorite Things- Music

Favorite Things- Music

“One of the things that has soothed my soul, given me life, and a way to communicate is music. Music has a power that can’t easily be translated into words. That’s why we have music, so it can speak the language of the soul that mere words can’t. And if I remember to turn it on, it can save me from completely loosing it on my children.”
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Sometimes Parents Need To Get Out Of The Way

Sometimes Parents Need To Get Out Of The Way

“Sometimes as parents, we need to get out of our children’s way. We need to let them step forward and fail spectacularly or nail it. Or land somewhere in between.”
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Two Halves Make a Whole Me- Creativity and Service

Two Halves Make a Whole Me- Creativity and Service

“Creating something is life-giving, freeing, exhilarating. It makes me feel alive and not just exist. It feeds something inside of me that craves expression. There have been multiple medical studies over the years about just how important it is to create and how it can cause healing and help us in other ways.” Read more…

Hurry, Hurry, Hurry- Children With Special Needs

Hurry, Hurry, Hurry- Children With Special Needs

Every morning I wake my son up at 5:45 am and push him to hurry, hurry, hurry. He needs to be able to make the bus at 6:45 am. Mornings are not his thing. Hurrying is almost impossible for him to do. At least it seems that way, and I’ve had various teachers and therapists nod their heads in agreement.

This morning as I snuck back to bed while he was in the shower for a few minutes, the thought that pressed on my mind was, “I need to tell him to hurry up. He’s already been there for 20 minutes.”

But then I stopped. There was singing in the shower. He was happy. He was calm.

This is not something that usually happens during our mornings. He’s not happy and singing. He’s moving like a sleepy turtle that can barely walk and often refuses to head into the shower.

I looked at the clock. He had 30 minutes until the bus came. I could give him 10 more minutes in the shower. He had time. I could calm down my urge to make him rush.

Those of us with children with Special Needs often find we are rushing them. Trying to make appointments, trying to make developmental milestones, trying desperately to get everything accomplished we need to in the very short 24 hours we are given.

Today made me pause. It made me say to myself, “Breathe. It’s been a good week. It’s okay to take your time this morning. He’s going to make it.” I don’t do that enough.

For this morning,

I Give Thanks

How To Be Confident In Teaching Your Children

How To Be Confident In Teaching Your Children

School has either begun or is getting ready to begin. With it comes the pressure to be perfect parents. We are told all the time that we are doing things wrong. That one way is superior to another. That we should be teaching our children this way or that way. Here are some examples of what I’m talking about. Read more…

These Hands Are Beautiful Just As They Are

These Hands Are Beautiful Just As They Are

“These hands have a glorious track record… I don’t need long nails or polish to make me believe that they are beautiful. They are beautiful in what they have become.