Seeing Clearly

The Things We Do Not See

The Things We Do Not See

The other morning I was rushing around getting ready for work when I suddenly noticed a light switch I have never seen before. I flipped it wondering what it went to.

The light, halfway up the staircase came on.

I stood there for a moment.

We’ve lived in this house for 3 years and I had never seen this light switch. How many times had I gone up the stairs to turn off that light midway up the stairs because the kids had left it on?

This made me wonder, how many other things and people am I not seeing in my life that are right there. Right in front of me?

I can’t answer that question, because I haven’t seen those people and things. But what I can do is keep a more open mind, a curious mind, one that seeks to see people and things done for me.

Going into the mental health profession, I wasn’t prepared for all the knowledge about myself I’m gleaning. It opens a whole new lens to see myself with.

Just like the light on the wall.

It’s time to stop walking past and start really seeing myself.