Smart Phones

The Meanest Mom Who Won’t Give Her Daughter A Smartphone

The Meanest Mom Who Won’t Give Her Daughter A Smartphone

“Sometimes my children ask and badger so much that I start wondering if I’m just being a bad Mom. Times have changed since I was a kid.
But that’s just it. Times have changed. In a world where pornography, a huge increase in sex trafficking, cyber bullying, and SO much more is out there, we need to stand firm. It is our responsibility to keep our children safe, and as their parent, you get to decide what that is.” Read more. . .

Technology and Kids

My generation spanned the pre technology world. We played outside, got dirty and rode our bikes everywhere. We survived and learned how to use technology and have been changing the world with its use.
For this reason, I call foul on everyone who keeps saying we need technology in schools so our kids can keep up with the world. There’s no reason our kids can’t do the same. (Now if you are saying we need it to access different learning venues, that’s a different discussion.)
15 years or so ago I was a Nanny and working for a family who was getting ready to enroll their child in preschool. They traveled around to various schools to interview them. The one they settled on was one that advertised that they had computers for every kid. It was a very prestigious preschool. They spent every day sitting at computers learning.
3 and 4-year-olds should not be sitting at a desk on the computer all day. Most kids have an intuitive sense of how to work computers. With their access to them now, each generation seems to be even more intuitive. They’re going to pick it up and you don’t have to send them to Preschool for it.
Little kids development needs time in the outdoors, time playing with blocks and other children. They are building skills that will help them for the rest of their lives. We will stunt their growth if they aren’t provided with time and chances to experience these things.
So I will continue *attempting* to limit my child with Autism and ADHD’s consumption of his tablet time and attempt to get him outside instead.