Social Media

Social Media, Writing, and Me

Social Media, Writing, and Me

“In today’s world, writers are told, they must have an online social media presence. We’re supposed to post to Facebook multiple times a day, portray beautiful Instagram pictures, and tweeting out thoughtful, or snarky tweets on Twitter. You need to be advertising yourself and your brand.”
Read more. . .

A Happy Ending That Could Have Not Happened

A Happy Ending That Could Have Not Happened

etter not having social media. I’m so glad that we got rid of it.”Often as parents, we question ourselves. Are we really doing the right thing? Am I going to screw my children up? This was one of the very few times where I could say to myself with confidence, “We did the right thing. This time it was a win.” Read more. . .

Blogging, Writing, and Finding “Me”

Blogging, Writing, and Finding “Me”

Often as bloggers, we have a lot of social media accounts. Between these and our blog stats, we are always looking at numbers. How many people viewed this post? How many people commented or shared it? Are my numbers up or down? Numbers can be depressing at times as we compare with others we see around us. Read more…

Mental Illness: Reaching Out Isn’t That Easy

Mental Illness: Reaching Out Isn’t That Easy

”If you experience mental illness, reaching out is one of the most difficult things you could ask. I’m not saying to stop asking us to reach out. It is still something we need to work towards. But I am asking you to stop and consider just how difficult that is for us.” Read more…

The Beast That Is Social Media

The Beast That Is Social Media

“Often, we feel freer to voice our opinion of things on Social Media because we aren’t talking face to face with someone. It is much easier to voice your disagreement over a subject when you aren’t sitting across from them.” Read more…