
Where Have I Been?? COVID Burnout

Where Have I Been?? COVID Burnout

“This blog has been silent most of the summer. I wish I could say it was because of something wonderful and awesome. Instead, I’m admitting to COVID burnout.”
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Give Me The Indoors! But Wait. . .

Give Me The Indoors! But Wait. . .

”The indoors is my space. Give me a kitchen to cook in, a library to read through, an old movie to watch. These are my happy places.”
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Life Ran Away With Me

Life Ran Away With Me

“If you are a regular reader here, you might have noticed that my normally regular posting has been. . . Spotty.

Life has a way of running away with you. Or piling on more and more until you have to yell. “Uncle!” (I’ve never understood where that exclamation comes from. Anyone know?)” Read more. . .

Planning for the Summer: Life Skills for the Win

Planning for the Summer: Life Skills for the Win

“One of the things I decided to have them do this year is to help someone or do something nice for someone. I want my kids to start thinking about others and what they might need. I want my kids to become thoughtful adults, and I think the only way to achieve that is practicing now.” Read more…