
Be Brave, Give A Second Chance

“Sometimes, letting your guard back down and giving someone another chance is one of the best decisions you could make.”
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The Need For Advocating Never Dies

The Need For Advocating Never Dies

“Being in school, a worldwide pandemic, moving to a new state. All of these things I could use as an excuse for missing in action in the advocating arena for the past year or so. But we all know, that the need to advocate for our selves, our child, our family member, doesn’t go away in spite of life changes. It would be nice if it could hold off for a bit when things get crazy, but it doesn’t. In the midst of our latest struggle, a dear friend reminded me of my responsibility to raise awareness of how to find help and resources to help others. Something I have dedicated my life to over the past 10 years since our son’s autism diagnosis.”
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Somewhere Lies A Cemetery

Somewhere Lies A Cemetery

“In a little town in the western United States is a small-town graveyard. To walk or drive-in, you must traverse over a cattle-guard leftover from when the cows roamed free closer to town. In this place, I am connected. It is a strange feeling to feel connected to a graveyard.”
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