The Drudgery of Laundry Irresistibly Overcome

Laundry doesn’t hold as much dislike in my heart as cleaning bathrooms as I wrote about here. But it’s something that just seems never to end. Mountains of endless laundry day in and day out. It gets old. I can handle the sorting and washing, but the mountain of clothes to be folded frequently overcomes me. Drudgery is a word that comes to mind when I think about laundry.

The other day, it was just a normal day at the Petersen household, where I was working on laundry among other things. As I pulled a fresh load out of the dryer, and I was suddenly taken by surprise.

This large arm-load of laundry suddenly took me to my happy place. It was heavenly warm, sweet smelling, and strangely comforting. I crouched there for several moments with the laundry in my arms appreciating the warmth and smell of freshly cleaned laundry. I was overcome with gratitude.

This laundry means my family has clothes to wear, and bedding and towels to use.

This laundry means that I have a family who is alive and well and continues to make more of it daily.

This laundry means that I have a way to serve my family and care for them to show them my love for them.

This laundry means that I continue to have opportunities to teach my children life skills so that they can learn to do their own laundry and live on their own one day and to pay forward this gift of clean laundry to their own families.

For those small moments that I breathed in the fresh smell of laundry and enjoyed the warmth that it brought to me, I thanked God for laundry.

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18 thoughts on “The Drudgery of Laundry Irresistibly Overcome

  1. I hate laundry. I work full time and have three children so I feel like Im just never on top of it! BUT I love your perspective. Next time Im going to remember your words! Thank you. #triumphanttales

  2. Our washer broke last Monday and not having been able to do laundry all week for our family of 5 was driving me nutty so I was THRILLED to do laundry today… I might not feel that way by the time I’m all caught up!

  3. I love this! I recently have learned to thank God for piles of laundry that means we have clothing to wear and a washer and dryer to clean those piles. I love finding moments of gratitude throughout my normal daily routine.

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