The Place of Sin in Our Journey

The older I get the more I’ve come to a different understanding of sin. Frequently. I think we treat little sins as huge ones. But the thing is, it doesn’t matter. It’s not up to us to judge.

I believe that there was a plan created by God that we were all a part of. That plan included sin, and a Savior to save us. As a child, I believed that as Christ was perfect I had to be nothing less than perfect in order to please him and God.

The older I have become, I am grateful for a better understanding of God’s plan. I understand now that sin was part of his plan. He knew we would make mistakes. He knew we would sin. He planned specifically for that purpose! The day I realized this, it was such a relief to me. He knew I wasn’t going to be perfect. He sent Christ to atone for my sins and less than perfect choices (and there is a difference between a sin and making a bad choice).

This is what the atonement of Christ is all about. He is happy if I keep picking myself up, dusting myself off and trying again, hopefully doing better the next try. This is such a freeing thought!

Another tenet of my faith is that our lives here are meant to be a work in progress and stepping stone to progressing to become more like God. To make ourselves one with God.

I now think of my life as a journey. Lots of mountains to climb, lots of stumbling stones and occasionally some tumbles back down the mountain. As long as my progress is always towards Him, despite the many detours I may end up taking, I believe He will be happy with me.

12 thoughts on “The Place of Sin in Our Journey

  1. Calleen – I am so grateful we are works in progress – lots of grace is given to us and God helps us to go from glory to glory… thanks for sharing at Friday’s at the Firestation where we are neighbors

    PS.. if you are looking for another place to link to on Thursday’s I would love if you would consider joining my linkup #TuneInThursday – it opens Thursday 3am PST and runs through Sunday night. you can find it at (Please feel free to delete the link if you think it inappropriate).

  2. I can’t imagine how He must have felt giving two perfect people a free will and them choosing wrong. It could have been any of us.

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