“This Is Us” Is Really Us

NBC’s show “This is Us” has taken America by storm. It’s hugely popular. What makes this show so incredibly popular? What is the magic there?

I would posit, that it is because we see ourselves and our families in this TV family fairly accurately portrayed.

One of the things that struck me about this show was the storylines. Many of the characters deal with mental illness and other related issues. Kate has issues with overeating, Toby deals with depression, Kevin and Jack with substance abuse, Randall with panic attacks. Meanwhile, Rebecca is there trying to hold everyone together.

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

While their issues may be different from the issues your family faces, I suspect most families are touched by many similar issues. The Pearson Family is an accurate representation of just how common mental illness and chemical dependence is in America. They are dealing with real issues that are facing families of every race, religion and socioeconomic status today. No one is untouched by mental illness or drug addiction in our families, or in our lives through someone we know. We recognize ourselves in this portrayal. This is the magic of “This Is Us”.

In an era where an opioid epidemic is facing our nation, and every other week it seems like someone famous is committing suicide, it’s important that shows like this accurately portray these issues. They put faces, families, and circumstances to what happens. This makes people realize these issues are far more common than they realize, and we are not alone.

We don’t have to hide in the shadows. There is help for us and our families. It isn’t necessary for us to suffer and hide in silence and shame. Suffering and hiding in shame will only make things worse for us. It makes us doubt our worth. It makes us feel less than. It makes us feel alone and helpless.

Pulling these stories out into the open through popular TV Show Series, like “This Is Us” gives us safe ways to talk about these issues without having to always go into the gory details of our own and our families experiences. We can talk-out the choices characters are making, we can see the consequences of the choices they make without having to make them ourselves.

“This is Us” strikes a chord in ways we may not fully understand but can appreciate each week as we tune in to see where life takes the Pearson’s next. We can cheer the Pearson’s on as we cheer ourselves, our families, and our friends on.

6 thoughts on ““This Is Us” Is Really Us

  1. I enjoy the show too. I find it ironic that I grew up a real Pearson. Family is always our top priority even today. Thanks for sharing on the #LMMLinkup this past week.

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