
How To Fight For Our Independence Now

How To Fight For Our Independence Now

“I propose that each Independence Day is a reminder for us to redouble our efforts to become more civically involved, more politically involved, and more involved on a human level in our country. We should use this date to remember where we have been, evaluate where we are, and where we want to be going. Take the time to look around and see where we can make a difference in the lives of others and our communities. ”
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Hear Me Scream! We Are Different Despite Our Diagnoses

Hear Me Scream! We Are Different Despite Our Diagnoses

“. . .when we are talking to people with disabilities, we need to understand that just because we know they have one diagnosis, it does not mean that you understand what their unique issues and experiences are.”
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A New Year, A New Start

A New Year, A New Start

“It means a lot to me that you feel my words are of enough value that you take a moment out of your day and spend time with me reading what I have to say, writing comments and sharing my words with others. Seriously, thank you from the bottom of my heart.” Read more-