
Oldest Children Rule The World!

Oldest Children Rule The World!

“We get told we’re bossy, mean, and are butting our heads in where they don’t belong. But we’ve always been asked and expected to since we were very young. We were trained to do this.”
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The Deadly Catastrophe of the Texas Shooting and Rejection

The Deadly Catastrophe of the Texas Shooting and Rejection

I have read a few facts about this particular shooting. One that stood out to me, said that the shooter targeted a young girl who had rejected him. The article pointed out that the news could have written the headline differently. They could have said something like, “A young girl was targeted after months of dealing with unwanted advances from the shooter.” Both sentences are true. But one doesn’t cast blame on the victim. I’ve been mulling it over in my mind lately thinking about this and other thoughts of how we as a society and our way of viewing things may need to change. Read more…

The State of Long-Term Medical Care For Children in the U.S.

The State of Long-Term Medical Care For Children in the U.S.

“Where does that leave parents? Where does that leave vulnerable children? This needs to be part of the discussions being had about Medicaid. This needs to be part of the discussions that we as American’s have about helping our neighbors when they can’t do it alone. It shouldn’t be this hard to help a child. Especially when all the research shows that early intervention is the most successful.”