Month: May 2018

The Beast That Is Social Media

The Beast That Is Social Media

“Often, we feel freer to voice our opinion of things on Social Media because we aren’t talking face to face with someone. It is much easier to voice your disagreement over a subject when you aren’t sitting across from them.” Read more…

My Mother’s Day Story

My Mother’s Day Story

Many Women have a hard time with Mother’s Day. This is my Mother’s Day story. Read more…

Friday Memes

Brought to you by the children of An Ordinary Mom.

Save the Guilt For Sin

Save the Guilt For Sin

“I’ve been sitting here pondering this idea that sin is the only reason we should allow ourselves to feel guilt. I feel guilty in SO many areas of my life. Guilt because I wasn’t able to do something. Guilt because I wasn’t there for someone. Guilt because I ate the last piece of candy. Guilt because I made a decision that based on the information I had at the time I thought best, but then later found out it wasn’t. Guilt because I haven’t gotten something done. I could go on and on and on with this list. I’m guessing you could too.”

The Duct Taping of a Boy With Autism…

The Duct Taping of a Boy With Autism…

In Tacoma WA this week, kids videotaped what looked like a child abduction. A man was seen using duct tape to secure a boy and worked on dragging him away. The kids called 911. It is what I would want anyone to do in this situation if it were my child. The video sparked a lot of outrage in the community that an adult would use duct tape in this way and the local police have characterized it as child abuse.

Friday Memes

Brought to you by the children of An Ordinary Mom.

Dear Fellow Church Members- How You Can Help

Dear Fellow Church Members- How You Can Help

“There are people in your congregation that are a little bit different. They have some special needs.  What you may not know is that many times those special needs can hamper the individual and their family’s ability to come and participate in church, feel comfortable, or even make it difficult to feel that God is near. These are some ways that you can help these families.”