
Moms, No Matter How You Got Here, I Salute You

Moms, No Matter How You Got Here, I Salute You

“To me, it doesn’t matter if it’s a natural birth, a C-Section, or an adoption. Getting beautiful children born into the world and raised is beautiful, worthy, and one of the hardest things you will ever do.” Read more…

The Meanest Mom Who Won’t Give Her Daughter A Smartphone

The Meanest Mom Who Won’t Give Her Daughter A Smartphone

“Sometimes my children ask and badger so much that I start wondering if I’m just being a bad Mom. Times have changed since I was a kid.
But that’s just it. Times have changed. In a world where pornography, a huge increase in sex trafficking, cyber bullying, and SO much more is out there, we need to stand firm. It is our responsibility to keep our children safe, and as their parent, you get to decide what that is.” Read more. . .

I Was A Stranger And You Cared For Me

I Was A Stranger And You Cared For Me

I was a stranger to this family, and they took me in. I was helpless and they shared all that they had with me. I will never forget Erin, that family or that Christmas as it demonstrated the truest meaning of Christmas I’ve ever experienced.

Dear Parents: Kindness Begins With You

Dear Parents: Kindness Begins With You

That child that hasn’t been nice to your child? Maybe give him a second chance? Maybe something else is going on than being a brat. Does this child look different? Does he sound different? Chances are that a lot of children with hidden disabilities don’t appear to have anything wrong with them. So they are judged for the things that they might not be able to control. They are shunned for behaviors that might be different from the norm. You never know what battle people might be fighting. Read more…

Unexpected Grief

Unexpected Grief

I have two children. I have written elsewhere about how I have moved through my grief of only having two children. I wanted more, but that wasn’t what happened. What has caught me by surprise is my daughter’s grief over not having any more siblings. Read more…

Divergent Views and Friendship

Divergent Views and Friendship

”Christ didn’t just hang out with his most devout followers. He spent time with people who thought differently than he did, that had different values than he did. He let his light shine everywhere. We need more light in this world and less darkness. Don’t let the polarization start with you. Let it end with you.” Read more…

Mental Illness: Reaching Out Isn’t That Easy

Mental Illness: Reaching Out Isn’t That Easy

”If you experience mental illness, reaching out is one of the most difficult things you could ask. I’m not saying to stop asking us to reach out. It is still something we need to work towards. But I am asking you to stop and consider just how difficult that is for us.” Read more…

Birthday Parties and Autism

Birthday Parties and Autism

“For years I have dreaded my kids birthdays. Birthdays are supposed to be fun and exciting days. Autism has taken that from us. Instead, they have been filled with dread for me every time each of my kid’s birthdays approaches.” Read more…