When Your Child Has Too Many Diagnoses

*This was written a couple of years ago and I never published it, but it still rings true today. Sometimes we are denied resources because our child has too many diagnoses.

I’m in a bit of a bad place right now. My son is actually doing a bit better after the last round of changes in medication. Still challenging, but not to the levels we were formerly dealing with.

I was really hoping to able to get my son into special needs summer camps this year. Last year I enrolled him in some at the local community center, and things didn’t go well. So I’ve moved on to other camps that specialize in children with special needs. I was really excited as I found some really cool ones that bill themselves as camps for kids who can’t go to normal summer camps. They are staffed with medical professionals to deal with medical issues that could arise. I was SO excited to find them. One would even take my daughter too and my husband and I could have a mini-vacation!

But then I started talking to the camps. As they are dealing with kids with serious issues they want to find out, and vet all the kids before they come to make sure they can handle their needs. There are tons of camps in the area I live in. Some focus on Autism, others focus as I said on needs that can’t be met at normal camps.

The problem I am finding is that the ones that focus with autism cannot handle the medical side of my son’s needs. The ones that bill themselves as a summer camp for kids with medical issues- they don’t have the staff and training to deal with the autism side of things.

Too Many Diagnoses

One camp called to notify me that they will not accept any child who has a primary diagnosis of Autism, but they do have a family weekend in the fall for those with Autism, but he will likely not be allowed to attend because of his medical issues.

Once again, I find us without options due to too many diagnoses. This is really getting old. I can’t win here.

Some days you just have to sit in the sorrow, frustration, helplessness and confusion for a while. Feeling all those feelings is awful and yucky. But if I don’t work my way through them, they’ll choose the most inopportune moment to make me pay attention to them manifesting themselves through my anxiety.

What you should take from this post?

That we need more options for kids with disabilities in all areas of life.

2 thoughts on “When Your Child Has Too Many Diagnoses

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