
My Daughter’s Proud of Her ADHD

My Daughter’s Proud of Her ADHD

“So often we think of disabilities as hard, horrible things. Yet here was my daughter saying that she was proud of one of hers.”
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Why We Say No To Slumber Parties

Why We Say No To Slumber Parties

I had a unique slumber party when I was probably 10 or 11, compared to a lot of other slumber parties. My family owned a small motel. I was able to invite about 10 girls over for a slumber party in one of our motel rooms, sans chaperones. We spent the night binging on tv and snacks and at one point after midnight, snuck out down the street for a bit. If my parents only knew. . .

But not all slumber parties are fun.

Not all slumber parties end well.

I overheard girls talking about me and others when they thought I was asleep. It wasn’t kind.

Generally, it has been our practice not to allow our kids to have, or participate in sleepovers.

My number one reason?

I was going to say-

Because kids are a complete mess the next morning from not sleeping the night before. I’m all for my kids having fun and spending time with friends. Dealing with the aftermath of not enough sleep.

But the real reason is safety.

Graffiti on a wall with a picture of a girl and the words rescue me
Image by Eduardo Davad from Pixabay

Did you know that most children who are trafficked in the U.S. are trafficked not by a stranger but by a family member or someone they know?

At slumber parties things get tried for the first time- pills, alcohol, smoking, touching, and experimenting.

My kids will make choices.

But I want to make sure that they are old enough to understand the choices and the consequences they are making. I don’t think it’s fair to make them deal with circumstances they aren’t ready to deal with.

Am I sheltering my children?


But I also know that the longer they go without smoking, the less likely it is they will ever smoke.

The longer they go without drinking, doing drugs, the less likely this is going to be a problem for them. Not that they won’t ever try them, because they might. But the longer it is that they don’t, the better.

My children are totally capable of making mistakes and do frequently. So do I for that matter.

Giving them the time to figure out how they feel about things, to learn the information for themselves, and give them a chance to see others making mistakes is priceless. So I’m going to keep sheltering my children for a little while longer while giving them freedoms to choose that I feel are appropriate.

Managing Children’s Expectations At Christmas

Managing Children’s Expectations At Christmas

“I just know that I want my children to grow up to be adults who seek to help and love other people. To realize that having “things” isn’t everything. So each year I’ll keep working and trying to help them understand. “

The last present

“November of 2018 was my daughter’s eleventh birthday and we had just lost her Grandmother a few weeks prior. Her Grandma was Mrs. Claus reincarnated, and the two of them bonded over shopping, fashion and decorating. Christmas and birthdays always brought her awesome surprises from Grandma.”
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My Favorite Things- Book Reviews

My Favorite Things- Book Reviews

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again that one of my favorite things about writing is that I have writer friends who write books and they need people to tell other people about their books. I’m going to share with you 3 new books- Skedaddle, Tune It Out, and The Price of Admission.
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Child Loss- A Sibling In Heaven

Child Loss- A Sibling In Heaven

”Growing up, I always knew I had a sister in heaven. I remember talking to her as a child and making promises that I would make all the right choices so that I could join her in Heaven one day. For me, she had personality and vitality and was waiting for me to join her so that we could fulfill our relationship as sisters.”
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A New Kind of “Hunting” Trip

A New Kind of “Hunting” Trip

“Your husband spends hours, days getting ready for his annual hunting trip. Researching the perfect location where he will get that prize buck. He spends so much 💲💲 every year on new gear and tags you want to cry. There went that new Kitchen Aid you wanted. But he assures you that it’s a good investment because he’ll bring meat home to feed the family all winter.”
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Unpopular, Stuck With A Flip Phone, The Worst Mother

Unpopular, Stuck With A Flip Phone, The Worst Mother

“Cell phones are here to stay. I get that. I’m not going to tell you when you should give a child a cell phone or how much they should/should not be on it. But can we agree not to give them the latest and greatest cell phone?”
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8 Survival Tips For Surviving A Pandemic Summer

8 Survival Tips For Surviving A Pandemic Summer

“The temperature is rising and down here in the South and it feels like we are already well into summer. But summer is just getting ready to start. And I don’t know about you, but after having had my kids home for school for the past 2 1/2 months. . . “
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Pictures Hold A Thousand Memories

Pictures Hold A Thousand Memories

“I thought I looked fat and ugly from pregnancy and I couldn’t stand looking at the picture. It made me cringe. It was hidden in the depths of a photo album never given a place of honor. Just stuffed in there with random loose photos.”
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